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Title Date Starting Time
Joint Action on COVID-19: Boosting our Global Response
In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, developing countries need urgent support. The event will discuss the potential of deepening [...]
14.07.2020 09:30
SOFI 2020 Side Event
Status of Food Security and Nutrition in Least Developed Countries (LDCs) Landlocked Developed Countries (LDCs) and Small Island Developing States (SIDS)
The webinar is organized by the UN Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries [...]
13.07.2020 19:15
Launch of 2020 SOFI
Launch of the State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World: Transforming Food Systems for Healthy Diets
The report contains the most recent and authoritative estimates of the extent of hunger, food insecurity, and malnutrition in all [...]
13.07.2020 16:00
164th Session of FAO Council
164th Session of FAO Council - Day 5
Adoption of the Report
10.07.2020 15:00
164th Session of FAO Council
164th Session of FAO Council - Day 4 Morning Session
Item 10 (Cont’d) Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on food security and food systems: for discussion and/or decision (CL 164/10) [...]
09.07.2020 09:30
164th Session of FAO Council
164th Session of FAO Council - Day 3 Evening Session
Item 11 Status of Implementation of Decisions taken at the 163rd Session of the Council (2-6 December 2019): for discussion [...]
08.07.2020 21:00
164th Session of FAO Council
164th Session of FAO Council - Day 3 Afternoon Session
Item 11 Status of Implementation of Decisions taken at the 163rd Session of the Council (2-6 December 2019): for discussion [...]
08.07.2020 14:30
164th Session of FAO Council
164th Session of FAO Council - Day 3 Morning Session
Item 6: Report of the 128th Session of the Programme Committee (8-18 June 2020): for discussion and decision (CL 164/6 Rev.1) [...]
08.07.2020 09:30
164th Session of FAO Council
164th Session of FAO Council - Day 2 Afternoon Session
Item 8: Report of the 110th Session of the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters(28-29 May 2020): for discussion and [...]
07.07.2020 14:30
164th Session of FAO Council
164th Session of FAO Council - Day 2 Morning Session
Item 4: Programme Implementation Report 2018-19: for discussion and/or decision (C 2021/8; C 2021/8 WA7; C 2021/8 WA8) – virtual [...]
07.07.2020 09:30
164th Session of FAO Council
164th Session of FAO Council - Day 1 Afternoon Session
Item 3 (Cont’d) Further Adjustments to the Programme of Work and Budget 2020-21: for discussion and decision (CL 164/3; CL [...]
06.07.2020 14:30
164th Session of FAO Council
164th Session of FAO Council - Day 1 Morning Session
Item 1 Adoption of the Agenda and Timetable: for decision (CL 164/1; CL 164/INF/1; CL 164/INF/3; CL 164/INF/5 Rev.1) – [...]
06.07.2020 09:30
Launch of the HLPE'S 15th Report "Food Security and Nutrition: Building a global Narrative towards 2030"
Launch of the HLPE'S 15th Report "Food Security and Nutrition: Building a global Narrative towards 2030"
25.06.2020 13:00
COVID-19 Forestry Week
Solutions for Resilience - Responses from forest and farm producer organizations to COVID-19
The objective of this session is to share innovative solutions from Forest and Farm Producer Organizations (FFPOs) in response to [...]
23.06.2020 13:00
The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture: Sustainability in Action
 SOFIA is the FAO’s Fisheries and Aquaculture Department flagship publication addressing the State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture since 1994. SOFIA [...]
08.06.2020 13:00
World Environment Day 2020
The Interface of Humans, Animals and the Environment
This event will focus on biodiversity and, in the wake of COVID-19 pandemic, highlight the need to 'build back better', [...]
05.06.2020 13:30
SOFO 2020
Launch of The State of the World’s Forests 2020 – Forests, Biodiversity and People
The State of the World’s Forests 2020: Forests, Biodiversity and People (SOFO 2020), jointly prepared by FAO and UNEP, will [...]
22.05.2020 10:00
Informal Briefing to launch FAO’s Revised Desert Locust Appeal
A massive desert locust upsurge is underway in the Greater Horn of Africa, the Arabian Peninsula and Southwest Asia, with [...]
21.05.2020 15:30
International Tea Day Celebration
The first International Tea Day will be celebrated virtually and will be opened by FAO Director-General, QU Dongyu. It will bring [...]
21.05.2020 14:00
World Bee Day - "Bee engaged"
On the occasion of the third observance of World Bee Day, FAO, in partnership with the Chinese Academy of Agricultural [...]
20.05.2020 12:00
Protection of civilians in armed conflict: Protecting civilians from conflict induced hunger - Security Council Open VTC.
Protection of civilians in armed conflict: Protecting civilians from conflict induced hunger - Security Council Open VTC.
21.04.2020 11:00
AU - FAO Ministerial meeting on the impacts of COVID-19 on Food Security in Africa
Due to technical issues, we are sorry to inform you that this event could not be webcast.  
16.04.2020 14:00
International Women’s Day “I am Generation Equality: Realizing Women’s Rights"
The three Rome-based UN food agencies will celebrate this year’s International Women’s Day with an event that will bring together [...]
06.03.2020 09:45
DIGITAL INNOVATION DIALOGUE: Session 8 Farmer Digital Identity and Data Ownership
In 2019, seven sessions of Digital Innovation Dialogue were organized by CIO with more than a total of 400 people [...]
02.03.2020 14:30
CBD WG2020-2
Closing Press Conference: UN Convention on Biodiversity negotiations
Due to the ongoing situation following the outbreak of the novel coronavirus 2019, the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological [...]
29.02.2020 18:00
CBD WG2020-2
UN Convention on Biodiversity negotiations (Afternoon session)
Due to the ongoing situation following the outbreak of the novel coronavirus 2019, the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological [...]
29.02.2020 15:00
CBD WG2020-2
UN Convention on Biodiversity negotiations (Morning session)
Due to the ongoing situation following the outbreak of the novel coronavirus 2019, the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological [...]
29.02.2020 11:00
CBD WG2020-2
UN Convention on Biodiversity negotiations (Afternoon session)
Due to the ongoing situation following the outbreak of the novel coronavirus 2019, the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological [...]
28.02.2020 15:00
CBD WG2020-2
UN Convention on Biodiversity negotiations (Morning session)
Due to the ongoing situation following the outbreak of the novel coronavirus 2019, the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological [...]
27.02.2020 10:00
2020 International Workshop
Effects of Climate Change on Fisheries and Aquaculture (Afternoon sessions)
14:00 – 15:30: Session 6: The way forward 15:30 – 16:00: Closing of the meeting  The ClimeFish project helps ensure that [...]
26.02.2020 14:00
2020 International Workshop
Effects of Climate Change on Fisheries and Aquaculture (Morning sessions)
09:00 – 10:15 Session 4: Adapting to a changing climate: adaptation plans 10:45 – 12:30 Session 5: Adapting to a changing [...]
26.02.2020 09:00
2020 International Workshop
Effects of Climate Change on Fisheries and Aquaculture (Afternoon sessions)
14:00 – 14:40: Marine Fisheries/ parallel session  (Aquaculture / Lakes& Ponds) 15:10 – 15:40: Presentation: Risks and Opportunities of climate change [...]
25.02.2020 14:00
CBD WG2020-2
UN Convention on Biodiversity negotiations (Morning session)
Due to the ongoing situation following the outbreak of the novel coronavirus 2019, the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological [...]
25.02.2020 10:00
2020 International Workshop
Effects of Climate Change on Fisheries and Aquaculture (Morning sessions)
09:00 - 10:30 Session 1: Fisheries and aquaculture in the face of a changing climate 11:00 - 12:30 Session 2:  Potential [...]
25.02.2020 09:00
CBD WG2020-2
UN Convention on Biodiversity negotiations (Afternoon session)
Due to the ongoing situation following the outbreak of the novel coronavirus 2019, the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological [...]
24.02.2020 15:00
CBD WG2020-2
UN Convention on Biodiversity negotiations (Morning session)
Due to the ongoing situation following the outbreak of the novel coronavirus 2019, the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological [...]
24.02.2020 10:00
Media briefing, UN Convention on Biodiversity negotiations
Due to the ongoing situation following the outbreak of the novel coronavirus 2019, the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological [...]
21.02.2020 15:30
Lesson from the “Fomento” Project in Senegal and Malawi
Between 2014 and 2016, IFPRI ran pilot projects in Senegal and Malawi that were based on a Brazilian intervention called [...]
14.02.2020 14:00
Cash for everyone? Exploring Universal Basic Income
Universal basic income (UBI) is emerging as one of the most hotly debated issues in development and social protection policy. [...]
10.02.2020 12:30
FAO Informal Briefing with Agnes Kalibata, UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for the Food Systems Summit
Ms. Agnes Kalibata, UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for the Food Systems Summit, will update the Permanent Representatives about the preparation for [...]
10.02.2020 09:30
World Pulses Day 2020: Plant Proteins for a Sustainable Future
World Pulses Day 2020: Plant protein for sustainable future aims to raise awareness about the importance of pulses for providing [...]
07.02.2020 14:00
Livestock Data for Decisions (LD4D) CoP Meeting - Day 3
The Livestock Data for Decisions Community of Practice (CoP) annual meeting brings together data producers and data users to share [...]
06.02.2020 09:00
Livestock Data for Decisions (LD4D) CoP Meeting - Day 2 Afternoon Session
The Livestock Data for Decisions Community of Practice (CoP) annual meeting brings together data producers and data users to share [...]
05.02.2020 13:30
Livestock Data for Decisions (LD4D) CoP Meeting - Day 2 Morning Session
The Livestock Data for Decisions Community of Practice (CoP) annual meeting brings together data producers and data users to share [...]
05.02.2020 09:00
Livestock Data for Decisions (LD4D) CoP Meeting - Day 1 Afternoon Session
The Livestock Data for Decisions Community of Practice (CoP) annual meeting brings together data producers and data users to share [...]
04.02.2020 13:30
Livestock Data for Decisions (LD4D) CoP Meeting - Day 1 Morning Session
The Livestock Data for Decisions Community of Practice (CoP) annual meeting brings together data producers and data users to share [...]
04.02.2020 09:00
Causal Inference Under Interference on Networks
In policy evaluation an important phenomenon to consider is “interference”, where an intervention on one subject may affect another subject’s [...]
03.02.2020 13:00
Informal Briefing to the Members on the Desert Locust situation in the Horn of Africa
The Deputy Director-General (Programmes) and the Deputy Director-General (Climate and Natural Resources) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the [...]
30.01.2020 10:00
AP-in-FAO Annual Assembly
The Assembly conducted at least once each calendar year is held over a period of time and includes a physical [...]
29.01.2020 16:00
CFS Food Systems and Nutrition OEWG Meeting - Afternoon Session
Hashtag: #CSF47
29.01.2020 14:00