Committee on Fisheries - 33rd Session

COFI33 - FAO Atlas of AIS-based Fishing Footprint and Effort – Preliminary Findings

Iran Room (FAO Headquarters)
 Rome time

AIS (Automatic Identification System) offers the ability to create a global, high-resolution map of fishing effort. The FAO, in coordination with AZTI, Seychelles Fishing Authority and Global Fishing Watch are producing an Atlas of AIS-based fishing footprint and effort to take advantage of this unique dataset to create a more detailed understanding of fishing effort, fill in gaps in knowledge and validate existing datasets. The Atlas describes, in detail, the strengths and limitations of measuring fishing effort from AIS in each FAO region. It compares fishing effort calculated through AIS algorithms with those of VMS and logbooks, and it offers advice over how to interpret AIS-derived fishing effort.  This side event will be an opportunity for COFI Member States and all other interested parties to hear about the prospects of AIS and the preliminary findings in the development of the AIS-based Atlas. The discussion will focus on the extent to which these data and information can supplement other fisheries data, and the use of AIS based methods for monitoring and analysis for RFMOs, nations, researchers, and NGOs.


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Topics: Fisheries & aquaculture
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