27th Session of the Committee on Agriculture - Day 4 Morning Session

Online meeting
 Rome time

Item 2.4 - Progress report on the implementation of FAO Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) 2016-2020, and the proposal for a new FAO Action Plan on AMR 2021-2025 (COAG/2020/8) - virtual discussion (continue)
tem 3.2 – Towards a Global Programme on Sustainable Dryland Agriculture in collaboration with the Global Framework on Water Scarcity in Agriculture (WASAG) in a Changing Climate (COAG/2020/17) – Wrap-up
Item 2.11 - Enabling smallholders and family farmers to access appropriate innovation, information and advisory services for sustainable agrifood systems (COAG/2020/15) – Wrap-up
Item 2.4 - Progress report on the implementation of FAO Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) 2016-2020, and the proposal for a new FAO Action Plan on AMR 2021-2025 (COAG/2020/8) - virtual discussion
Item 3.1 – Implementation of the FAO Strategy on Mainstreaming Biodiversity across Agricultural Sectors (COAG/2020/16) - virtual discussion
Item 4.1 - FAO’s Programme of Work in Food and Agriculture under the FAO Strategic Framework (COAG/2020/2) - virtual discussion
Item 4.3 - Multi-Year Programme of Work of the Committee (COAG/2020/4) – virtual discussion
Item 2.12 - Terms of Reference of the International Platform for Digital Food and Agriculture (COAG/2020/22) - written correspondence procedure
Item 3.3 - Report of the Global Soil Partnership (GSP) (COAG/2020/18) - written correspondence procedure
Item 4.2 - Implementation of the recommendations of the 26th Session of the Committee (COAG/2020/3) - written correspondence procedure
Item 4.4 - FAO’s work on Rangelands and Pastoralism, and Proposal for an International Year of Rangelands and Pastoralists (COAG/2020/19) - written correspondence procedure
Item 4.5 - Proposal for International Day of Plant Health (COAG/2020/20) - written correspondence procedure
Item 4.6 - Proposal for an International Year of Date Palm (COAG/2020/21) - written correspondence procedure

Hashtag: #COAG27

Topics: Agriculture & crops,Animals & livestock,Meeting
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