Plant Production and Protection


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FAO organized the first-ever Global Symposium on Sustainable Fall Armyworm Management to discuss the future global response to FAW and other invasive plant pests and diseases in Beijing, China, from 31 October to 2 November 2023. 16 actionable recommendations were identified to support future plant pest management activities and resource mobilization efforts. Read the proceedings of the Global Symposium to learn more.

Fall Armyworm ManagementIntegrated pest managementPesticide management

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) organized the first-ever Global Conference on Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization (GAMC), with the theme “Efficiency, Inclusiveness and Resilience”. This event provided a neutral forum for focused dialogues to prioritise actions and strengthen technical networks for sustainable development of agricultural mechanization.

Global Conference on Sustainable Agricultural MechanizationMechanization

This publication contributes to ongoing initiatives aimed at reducing post-harvest loss (PHL) through capacity development and knowledge sharing. It aims to enhance understanding of the gaps in post-harvest management and how to address them. The publication highlights the importance of reducing post-harvest losses (PHL) in developing countries by integrating gender perspectives, providing support to agribusiness and entrepreneurship, and promoting climate change adaptation.

MechanizationSustainable Agricultural Mechanization

The project entitled “Catalyzing the efficiency and sustainability of Azerbaijan’s hazelnut sector” (HAZER) is implemented under the FAO-Azerbaijan Partnership Programme (FAPP) by the Ministry of Agriculture of Azerbaijan and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) with an objective of empowering smallholder farmers to adopt Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) to improve the production efficiency of hazelnut.


Find out how to increase yield, quality and safety of fruits and vegetables. Healthy plants contribute to enhanced productivity and profitability. Moreover, fruits and vegetables from robust plants exhibit greater appeal to consumers, boasting extended shelf life, heightened nutritional content, and reduced microbial and chemical risks—factors that not only bolster safety and nutrition but also elevate market value and accessibility.

GAPYeald increase