Economía Agroalimentaria


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Information product
A new price-setting mechanism
Producto informativo, 2024
Rwanda is home to around 300 000 Irish potato smallholder farmers and is one of the top ten producers of Irish potatoes in Africa, with an estimated production of about 908 000 tonnes in 2022....
Disponible en:English
Producto informativo, 2024
The living income (LI) concept continues to garner the attention of many development agencies, civil society organizations, companies and governments seeking effective strategies to improve the standard of living for smallholder farmers supplying global commodity...
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Producto informativo, 2024
As an innovative business model, contract farming has the potential to contribute to sustainable development of agribusinesses and agrifood value chains, particularly in developing countries. It can be employed to improve smallholder producers’ access to...
Disponible en:English
Findings from an organization-level survey conducted as part of the United Nations Decade of Family Farming
Producto informativo, 2023
The study provides a description of Ghana's marine and inland Small-Scale Fisheries Organizations (SSFOs), detailing their characteristics, challenges, and awareness of the Voluntary Guidelines for Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and...
Disponible en:English
Baseline territorial poverty profile and analysis
Producto informativo, 2023
As part of the Hand-in-Hand Initiative, whose goal is to help reach Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 1 and 2, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) partnered with the Government of Ethiopia...
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Producto informativo, 2023
Family farming is a diverse sector that requires the development of farm typologies to better target policies. The United Nations Decade of Family Farming (UNDFF) offers an opportunity to leverage technology and connectivity in rural...
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Producto informativo, 2023
An evaluation strategy for an agency mandated to transform the agricultural sector requires a comprehensive plan including the development of a theory of change to inform which indicators and mechanisms would lead to the desired...
Disponible en:English
Final report 2022
Producto informativo, 2023
The FAO project “Developing Capacity for Strengthening Food Security and Nutrition in Selected Countries of the Caucasus and Central Asia”, funded by the Russian Federation, analyses the challenges and promotes cross-sectoral collaboration by providing adequate...
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FSN Forum report of activity, No. 177
Producto informativo, 2023
Este documento resume la consulta en línea Programas de donaciones de contrapartida: ¿un enfoque eficaz para canalizar las remesas hacia una inversión sostenible en los agronegocios? celebrada en el Foro Mundial sobre Seguridad Alimentaria y...
Producto informativo, 2022
Este producto se centra en la introducción de Shiny RIMA y sus ventajas como herramienta para el monitoreo y la medición de la resiliencia. En particular, esta guía se centra en la relevancia de la...
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