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Learn about the FAO Strategic Framework 2022-2031
Webinar Intersectionality: A key tool for inclusive and sustainable development
Hybrid Event, 30/11/2022

In Latin America and the Caribbean, access to food and nutritional security, the poverty situation, and the capacity to respond to climate change are strongly related to gender, ethnic-racial origin, age group, and territory differences. A situation that demands observing the intertwined nature of
these inequalities and proposing new ways to achieve sustainable development, leaving no one behind.
This challenge prompted the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) to develop a guide that facilitates the development of programmes and projects with an intersectional approach. The objective of the tool is to give rise to innovative and sensitive work methodologies that
allow the identification of inequalities and the development of socioterritorially
relevant and systemic solutions, aimed to eliminate the knots of inequality. Contributing in this way to the effective implementation of FAO's policies on gender equality and on indigenous and tribal peoples.
The development of this guide has been supported technically and financially by the Joint Programme on Gender Transformative Approaches to Achieve Food Security and Nutrition
(JP GTA) executed by FAO, IFAD, and WFP with the financial support and collaboration from
the European Union.
In this context, FAO invites its partners and staff to participate in a webinar in which the
"Practical Guide for the incorporation of the intersectionality approach in sustainable rural
development programmes and projects" will be launched.
Ricardo Rivera
Communicator of the Regional Initiative on Thriving and Inclusive Rural Societies
FAO Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean
Constanza Soudy
Communications communications for
Gender and Indigenous Peoples.
Regional Representative

Regional Representative
Mr. Mario Lubetkin has been Assistant Director General and FAO Regional Representative for Latin America and the Caribbean since 1 August, 2022.
Key Documents

How to use antibiotics effectively and responsibly in poultry production - for the sake of human and animal health
The use of antibiotics and thus the threat of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) can be reduced by adopting the right husbandry practices. This publication provides practical tips to the livestock producer aiming at improving animal health and hence the reduced use of antibiotics
FAO's four priorities in Latin America and the Caribbean
In depth
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FAO's 80th anniversary - 365 days of action
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