Executive Committee of the European Commission on Agriculture
Meetings of the Executive Committee can be convened by the Director General in agreement with the Chairperson of the ECA. The Executive Committee submits proposals to the Commission concerning the general orientation of the Commission’s activities and the programme of work. The Executive Committee should periodically inform all Members of the Commission, through the Director General, of any decisions taken. The Executive Committee is composed of the Chairperson of the ECA, two Vice-Chairpersons of the ECA and six other members elected by the Commission. The current membership of the Executive Committee of the ECA, as elected at the Forty-third Session of the ECA (2023), is presented below.
Members of Executive Committee
Chairperson: | Lidija POPANDONOVA (North Macedonia) |
Vice-Chairpersons: |
Serkos A. CHAROUTOUNIAN (Greece) Andrea ANGELI (Italy)
Members: | Roman DIATKA (Czechia) Michel LEVEQUE (France) Evelin LANTOS (Hungary) Liliana MARTIN (Republic of Moldova) Terézia KRAMOLIŠOVÁ (Slovakia) Yuriy GRYNEVETSKYI (Ukraine) |

Rules of Procedure
Rules of Procedure - European Commission on Agriculture (ECA) 43rd Session.

The Workplan and Meeting Schedule of the Executive Committee of the ECA for 2023-2025
The workplan and meeting schedule of the Executive Committee of the ECA for the years 2023-2025.

The ECA Executive Committee Information Document
ECA Executive Committee Information Document
Past events
19/ 12
40/4 Meeting of the Executive Committee of the ECA
Virtual Event, 19/12/2024
The 40/4 meeting of the Executive Committee of the European Commission on Agriculture is scheduled for 19 December 2024, with the aim to continue preparing for the next 44th Session of the ECA to be held in September 2025. The Committee will discuss the proposals for the main technical theme of the 44th Session. They will be updated on the implementation of regional work programme in Europe and...
27/ 9
40/3 Meeting of the Executive Committee of the ECA
Virtual Event, 27/09/2024
The 40/3 meeting of the Executive Committee of the European Commission on Agriculture is scheduled for 27 September 2024, with the aim to continue preparing for the next 44th Session of the ECA to be held in September 2025. The Committee will be updated on the call for proposals for the main technical theme of the 44ths Session of the ECA, as well as on the implementation of regional work progr...
21/ 6
40/2 Meeting of the Executive Committee of the ECA
Virtual Event, 21/06/2024
The 40/2 meeting of the Executive Committee of the European Commission on Agriculture is scheduled for 21 June 2024, with th...
19/ 3
40/1 Meeting of the Executive Committee of the ECA
Virtual Event, 19/03/2024
The 40/1 meeting of the Executive Committee of the European Commission on Agriculture is scheduled for 19 March 2024, with the aim to welcome and introduce the newly elected members of the Committee, to adopt its Workplan and Meeting Schedule for 2023-2025 and to discuss the outcomes of the 43rd Session of the European Commission on Agriculture (27-28 September and 27 November 2023) and the pre...
23/ 6
39/8 Meeting of the Executive Committee of the ECA
Virtual Event, 23/06/2023
The 39/8 meeting of the Executive Committee (ExCom) of the European Commission on Agriculture (ECA) is scheduled for 23 June 2023. The Committee will be provided with an update on the impact of the war in Ukraine on food security and related matters in countries of Europe and Central Asia and beyond, and with technical information on REU’s work relating to agricultural matters and food security...
21/ 4
39/7 Meeting of the Executive Committee of the ECA
Virtual Event, 21/04/2023
The 39/7 meeting of the Executive Committee (ExCom) of the European Commission on Agriculture (ECA) is scheduled for 21 April 2023. The Committee will be provided with an update on the impact of the war in Ukraine on food security and related matters in countries of Europe and Central Asia and beyond, and with technical information on REU’s work relating to agricultural matters and food secu...
1/ 3
39/6 Meeting of the Executive Committee of the ECA
Virtual Event, 01/03/2023
The 39/6 meeting of the Executive Committee of the European Commission on Agriculture (ECA) is scheduled for 1 March 2023. The Committee will be provided with an update on the impact of the war in Ukraine on food security and related matters in countries of Europe and Central Asia and beyond, and with technical information on REU’s work relating to agricultural matters and food security in the ...
13/ 1
39/5 Meeting of the Executive Committee of the ECA
Virtual Event, 13/01/2023
The Committee will be provided with an update on the impact of the war in Ukraine on food security and related matters, along with technical information on FAO’s work relating to agricultural matters and food security in the region and beyond.
28/ 9
39/4 Meeting of the Executive Committee of the ECA
Virtual Event, 28/09/2022
The 39/4 meeting of the Executive Committee of the European Commission on Agriculture is scheduled for 28 September 2022. The Committee will be provided with an update on the impact of the war in Ukraine on food security and related matters, along with te
30/ 6
39/3 Meeting of the Executive Committee of the ECA
Virtual Event, 30/06/2022
The 39/3 meeting of the Executive Committee of the European Commission on Agriculture is scheduled for 30 June 2022. The Committee will review the outcomes of the 33rd Session of the Regional Conference for Europe (ERC), held in Łódź, Poland on 10-13 May
29/ 4
39/2 Meeting of the Executive Committee of the ECA
Virtual Event, 29/04/2022
The 39/2 meeting of the Executive Committee of the European Commission on Agriculture is scheduled for 29 April 2022, with the aim to initiate the process for the identification of the main technical theme for the 43rd Session of ECA (September 2023) and
23/ 2
39/1 Meeting of ECA Executive Committee
Virtual Event, 23/02/2022
The 39/1 meeting of the Executive Committee of the European Commission on Agriculture is scheduled for 23 February 2022, with the aim to welcome and introduce the newly elected members of the Committee, to adopt its Workplan and Meeting Schedule for 2022-
19/ 7
38/8 Meeting of ECA Executive Committee
Virtual Event, 19/07/2021
The 38/8 meeting of the Executive Committee of the European Commission on Agriculture is scheduled for 19 July 2021, with the aim to discuss the preparations for the upcoming meetings of the governing bodies in the region (ECA and ERC) and the outcomes of
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38/7 Meeting of ECA Executive Committee
Virtual Event, 02/06/2021
The 38/7 meeting of the Executive Committee of the European Commission on Agriculture is scheduled for 2 June 2021, with the aim to discuss the preparations for the upcoming meetings of the governing bodies in the region (ECA and ERC), the implementation
30/ 3
38/6 Meeting of ECA Executive Committee
Virtual Event, 30/03/2021
The 38/6 meeting of the Executive Committee of the European Commission on Agriculture is scheduled for 30 March 2021 with the aim to discuss the preparations for the key upcoming meetings in the region (IC, ECA and ERC), the implementation of recommendati
9/ 12
38/5 Meeting of the ECA Executive Committee
Virtual Event, 09/12/2020
Documents Minutes Provisional agenda Roles and responsibilities of the ExCom in relation to ECA and ERC Process of amendment of the Rules of Procedure (RoP) of the European Commission on Agriculture (ECA) Preparation of the 42nd session of the
24/ 10
38/4 Meeting of the ECA Executive Committee
Virtual Event, 24/10/2020
Documents Minutes Agenda Roles and responsibilities of the ExCom in relation to ECA and ERC
15/ 7
38/3 Meeting of the ECA Executive Committee
Virtual Event, 15/07/2020
Documents Minutes Agenda Procedures for the adoption of the Minutes of the ECA ExCom meetings Roles and responsibilities of the ECA ExCom in relation to ECA and ERC Review and recommandations of the REU Work programme 2020-2021 ECA Executi
21/ 4
38/2 Meeting of the ECA Executive Committee
Virtual Event, 21/04/2020
Documents Minutes Agenda Update on the status of preparations for the 32nd Regional Conference for Europe The reults of the review of the Rules of Procedure of ECA Review and recommendations of the REU Work Programme 2020-2021 - RI 2:Food loss and w
17/ 12
38/1 Meeting of the ECA Executive Committee
Virtual Event, 17/12/2019
Documents Minutes Agenda Rules of Procedure of the European Commission on Agriculture Workplan and Meeting Schedule for the Executive Committee Report of the 41st Session of the European Commission on Agriculture Web Annex of the Report: Lis
2/ 7
37/6 Meeting of the ECA Executive Committee
Virtual Event, 02/07/2019
Documents Agenda Draft Provisional Annotated Agenda Forty-first Session of the European Commission on Agriculture Budapest, Hungary, 1–2 October 2019 Draft Outline of the 41st ECA technical agenda items Forty-first Session of
17/ 5
37/5 Meeting of the ECA Executive Committee
Virtual Event, 17/05/2019
Documents Meeting minutes Agenda Provisional Annotated Agenda of the 41st Session of the ECA Provisional Timetable of the 41st Session of the ECA DRAFT Progress Report on Main Recommendations of 40th Session of the Europe Commission on Agricultur
5/ 2
37/4 Meeting of ECA Executive Committee
Virtual Event, 05/02/2019
Documents Meeting minutes Draft Annotated Agenda Agenda Item 1 - Preparation of the 41st ECA in 2019, incl. strategic thinking on improving modalities, impact and strategic engagement Agenda Item 2 – Implementation of the recommendations of the As
20/ 9
37/3 Meeting of ECA Executive Committee
Virtual Event, 20/09/2018
Meeting documents Meeting minutes Draft Annotated Agenda Agenda Item 1 - Outcomes of the 31st Session of the Regional Conference for Europe (ERC), in Voronezh, Russian Federation, 16-18 May 2018 Agenda Item 2 – Identification of topics and preparati
4/ 5
37/2 Meeting of ECA Executive Committee
Virtual Event, 04/05/2018
Meeting documents Meeting minutes Draft Annotated Agenda Agenda Item 3 – Identification of topics and preparation of the 41st ECA in 2019, incl. strategic thinking on improving modalities, impact and strategic engagement Agenda item 4 - Review an
15/ 12
37/1 Meeting of ECA Executive Committee
Virtual Event, 15/12/2017
Meeting documents Agenda Background notes Agenda Item 1: Rules of Procedure of the European Commission on Agriculture (ECA)
13/ 2
36/4 Meeting of the ECA Executive Committee
Virtual Event, 13/02/2017
Meeting documents Meeting minutes Draft Annotated Agenda Agenda item 1 – Background note 36-4-1 Resume Reuben Sessa, ECA Secretary Agenda item 2 – Background note36-4-2 ECA Rules of Procedure Agenda ite