FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia

Impact of COVID-19 and social protection: What measures work?

Hybrid Event, 08/07/2020

10:00 – 11:30 a.m. CET

Vulnerable groups have been hit hard by the current pandemic and its economic consequences, affecting people’s health, food security and nutrition, income, and employment status. As a result, countries in Europe and Central Asia have strengthened social protection programmes.

The upcoming FAO webinar, the fourth in a series of regional COVID-19 webinars, will focus on practical solutions that aim to mitigate COVID-19 impacts and associated challenges, and provide opportunities through social protection measures.

The discussion will examine proven ways and tools, as well as analyze strengths, weaknesses and requirements of the adopted measures relevant to rural populations.

Opening remarks

Nabil Gangi
Deputy Regional Representative, FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia


Benjamin Davis
Leader, FAO Strategic Programme to reduce rural poverty

Natalia Winder Rossi
Associate Director, Programme Division/Chief Social Policy, UNICEF

Asel Shaimerdenova
Deputy Director, Department of Social Assistance Policy Development of Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, Kazakhstan

Ozal Mohtabarli
Head of Actuarial Calculations Sector of Analysis and Strategic Planning Department, Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Population, Azerbaijan

Namig Shalbuzov
Deputy Director, Agrarian Research Center, Ministry of Agriculture, Azerbaijan

Marija Babovic
Professor of Economic Sociology, University of Belgrade, Serbia

See the recorded webinar here