FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia

Regional Workshop on Foot and Mouth Disease and other Transboundary Animal Diseases

Hybrid Event, 29/11/2017 - 30/11/2017

This workshop is a follow up activity of the West Eurasia Road Map meeting held in Kyrgyzstan in 2016 and the FMD epidemiology and laboratory network meeting in Georgia in September 2017.
The objective of this workshop is to improve the collaboration and mutual experience sharing within Trans-Caucasus and Central-Asian countries, and Russian Federation on FMD and other TADs of high priority, to enhance capacity of veterinary services in epidemiology, risk based approaches and emergency preparedness.

Organisers: FAO and the FGBI-ARRIAH


  • to increase networking between the regional countries and FAO/OIE collaboration center;
  • to discuss and share good practices between countries;
  • to develop a better understating of Risk Based approaches and how to apply them;
  • to develop a better understating of the Emergency Management concept ;
  • to gain deeper knowledge on FMD and various other TADs which are of concern in the region


FMD and Global FMD situation
Mark Hovari, FAO international consultant

The Progressive Control Pathway for FMD Control (PCP)
Mark HovariFAO international consultant

LSD clinical signs, epidemiology and situation in Europe
Daniel Beltrán-Alcrudo, Animal Health Officer, FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia

Заразный узелковый дерматит КРС(нодулярный дерматит)риски распространения в Российской Федерации
Александр Владимирович Кононов, Зав. референтной лабораторией болезней КРС

Current FAO initiatives on LSD in the region
Daniel Beltran-Alcrudo, Animal Health Officer, FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia

Introduction to Risk and Risk Based Surveillance
Mark Hovari, FAO international consultant

Risk based surveillance: wildlife
Marius Masiulis, FAO international consultant, State Food and Veterinary Service of Lithuania

GROUP WORK Risk Exercise
Mark HovariFAO international consultant

Outbreak investigation
Marius MasiulisFAO international consultant,State Food and Veterinary Service of Lithuania

Emergency Preparedness - Training, contingency planning and exercises
Mark HovariFAO international consultant

Африканская чума свиней – риск распространения в Российской Федерации
А.С. Иголкин, Заведующий референтной лабораторией по АЧС