Evaluation at FAO

Completed evaluations

Evaluations in FAO assess projects, programmes and strategies to generate and provide evidence-based information that is credible, reliable and useful for decision-making processes. 

The assessment is based on an extensive review of internal documents and external literature, an analysis of 50 FAO CVA projects and 170 FAO evaluations, interviews with 69 key stakeholders, an online survey of FAO’s 85 Country Offices, eight country case studies and three case studies of comparable UN agencies.Its main recommendation was for FAO management to develop a vision and strategy specific to CVA so as to enable their more impactful and more efficient delivery.


Reducing food loss and waste (FLW) is pivotal for achieving SDG12. FAO has positioned itself as a key player in promoting sustainable agrifood systems, leveraging its technical expertise and its role as the custodian agency for SDG sub-indicator 12.3.1. The FAO Strategic Framework 2022-31 has broadened the focus on FLW from primarily addressing post-harvest losses to encompassing entire value chains, including at retail and consumer levels.


The project generated an agroecological zoning modelling tool of global relevance and achieved many of its outputs. The network of weather stations was improved along with establishing a laboratory for calibration of the sensors of the automatic weather station and the Lao Climate Service for Agriculture. It has made a significant contribution to strengthening agroclimatic monitoring and information systems to improve adaptation to climate change and food security.


The project made a significant contribution in terms of generation and systematization of information; methodological developments to estimate carbon emissions, reservoirs and sequestration, and compilation of information for the National Integrated Forest Information System; strengthen institutional and community capacities, and promote the application of sustainable forest management practices under a co-management scheme.


This 2024 report for the ECA region follows on the syntheses completed in 2020 and 2022 and responds to the request of the Thirty-second Session of the FAO Regional Conference for Europe, held 2–4 November 2020, to include an item on evaluation as a regular feature in future regional conferences.


FAO has demonstrated approaches that can be replicated to support the transformation of agriculture in the Syrian Arab Republic to a decentralized and locally-led system. Adopting an area-based approach may have enabled programme activities to be more mutually re-enforcing and potentially created a multiplier effect. Greater consideration of an exit strategy that lays the foundation for sustainability at community level is required.


This evaluation highlights the economic, environmental and social risks and challenges associated with the use of chemical pesticides in the agricultural sector in Malawi and provides a comprehensive assessment of the contribution of the project to reduce these risks, as well as to promote sustainable agricultural systems. It draws lessons and identifies the conditions to be put in place to promote the consolidation of achievements, progress towards impact and sustainability.


The adoption and institutionalization of tools and approaches developed by the Global Food Crises Network Partnership Program in the FAO portfolio has been significant. GloNet Sahel was able to lay the foundations of a learning and knowledge management practice which, however, still needs to be consolidated beyond the project. However, institutional sustainability appears unlikely and the commitment of governments to maintain capacities and assets after the end of the project remains weak.


The project was found to be entirely relevant and coherent with national and global priorities in the fields of agricultural development, food security, natural resources preservation and climate change response. Overall, the strong integration of project activities into existing global and national dynamics on agroecology strengthened project effectiveness. It is likely that some of the achieved results will continue after project closure, but others require additional financial resources.


The project has clear comparative advantages and occupies a unique global niche, but differences with other forest resource assessment processes need further clarification and communication. The project has well established and functional systems of project management, but risk management practices need strengthening.