Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar


La sección titulada “Recursos” contiene publicaciones y materiales multimedia archivados que guardan relación con cuestiones generales en el ámbito de la agricultura familiar.

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Los jóvenes y la agricultura

Desafíos clave y soluciones concretas
Esta publicación proporciona ejemplos de la vida real sobre cómo involucrar nuevamente a los jóvenes en la agricultura. El documento muestra cómo programas educativos personalizados pueden proveer a los jóvenes rurales las habilidades y el conocimiento necesarios para involucrarse en la agricultura y adoptar métodos de producción amigables con el...
Bahamas - Bangladesh - Brazil - Burkina Faso - Canada - China - Colombia - Ethiopia - France - Ghana - Grenada - Kenya - Madagascar - Mexico - Pakistan - Philippines - Republic of Moldova - Rwanda - Togo - Uganda - United States of America - Zambia

Cómo movilizar el potencial de la extensión agraria y rural

En este trabajo se presenta la posición de la FAO y el Foro Mundial sobre Servicios de Asesoramiento Rural (FMSAR) sobre la función que desempeñan actualmente los servicios de extensión agraria, así como el camino futuro a seguir. Las conclusiones que se presentan a continuación tienen por objeto mejorar la...
Benin - Burkina Faso - Cameroon - China - Guinea - Honduras - India - Kenya - Peru - Sri Lanka - Uganda - United Republic of Tanzania

Estudio de caso
Agricultura de Conservación

Estudios de caso en América Latina y África
El propósito de esta publicación es demostrar cómo esta agricultura incrementa la producción y al mismo tiempo reduce la erosión y revierte el proceso de disminución de la fertilidad del suelo; mejora las condiciones de vida de la población rural y restaura el ambiente en los países en desarrollo. El...
Brazil - Costa Rica - El Salvador - Honduras - Kenya
2001 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentación (FAO)

Estudio de caso
Bio gardening innovations: Food forests in Kenya are using modern forestry techniques to create food sovereignty and security

The holistic gardening project in Emuhaya, Western Kenya, is attracting local and international acclaim. Bio Gardening Innovations (BIOGI) is equipping smallholder farmers to break away from monocultures and create thriving, overflowing “food forests” on their farmland.
np - Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA)

Estudio de caso
Changing the fortunes of farmers and families in Muranga's County, Kenya

The Organic Agriculture Centre of Kenya (OACK) saw that by providing the right skills, information and support, they could help small-scale farmers move away from subsistence farming and into thriving livelihoods that improve their local communities and the landscapes they live in
np - Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA)

Estudio de caso
Agroecology: an effective approach to prisoner rehabilitation

Agricultural communities in Kenya are rehabilitating prisoners through agroecology in a bid to reduce reoffending and revive local independent coffee farms.
n.p. - Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA)

Documento/nota de orientación
National Agroecology Strategies in Eastern and Southern Africa

Lighthouses for food system transformation
This document sheds light on the ongoing efforts in Eastern and Southern Africa to develop National Agroecology Strategies (NASs), aiming to transform agri-food systems through the promotion of agroecological production practices, and the development of markets, value chains, and consumer demand. The brief offers an unique insight into policy advancements...
Kenya - Malawi - Rwanda - South Africa - Uganda - United Republic of Tanzania - Zambia - Zimbabwe
2024 - Biovision Foundation

Young changemakers

Scaling agroecology using video in Africa and India
The publication offers a rich diversity of perspectives and insights from real-life experiences of 42 inspiring teams of youths in Africa and India who are blazing a trail as private extension and advisory service providers promoting agroecology through farmer-to-farmer learning videos. Each of the deeply compelling stories presented in this...
Benin - Cameroon - Egypt - India - Kenya - Malawi - Morocco - Rwanda - Senegal - Tunisia - Uganda - United Republic of Tanzania - Zambia
2024 - Access Agriculture

The transformative role of agriculture in refugee settings

Amplifying the voices of refugees and host communities
Forced displacement has reached a scale not seen since records began. It has not only increased to an unprecedented level, but so too has its average duration. Latest reports indicate that over 110 million people are currently estimated to be forcibly displaced, and two in three refugees are projected to...
Kenya - South Sudan - Uganda
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Documento técnico
Food systems emissions in Kenya and their reduction potential: A country profile

The global food system accounts for 23 – 42% of total net anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This share is expected to increase. Therefore, rapid and effective transformations are required in food systems to achieve the Paris Agreement targets. The Initiative on Low-Emissions Food Systems (Mitigate+) aims to offer a...

Sitio web
The East and Southern Africa Forest Observatory (OFESA)

OFESA Is a regional initiative that aims to improve forest monitoring and management in the region. It covers five countries (Ethiopia, Kenya, Mozambique, Tanzania, and Uganda). The objective of the East and Southern Africa Forest Observatory (OFESA) is to produce a comprehensive and harmonized regional dataset on the latest trends and threats...
Ethiopia - Kenya - Mozambique - Uganda - United Republic of Tanzania
2023 - The East and Southern Africa Forest Observatory (OFESA)

Spatial changes to climatic suitability and availability of agropastoral farming systems across Kenya (1980–2020)

Productive global agriculture is under a convergence of pressures, and particularly climate change and population growth. The impact is especially stark in East Africa where crop production is mostly rain-fed and population growth rates are among the highest in the world. Our objective for this study was to understand how...

Artículo de blog
Busia farmers Embrace Agro-ecological Farming

Farmers in Busia County have partnered with Kilimo Hai, an agriculture organization, to adopt agro-ecological farming practices using organic fertilizers made from animal waste and rabbit urine as pesticides. This transition has been motivated by the high cost of conventional farming inputs and the need for sustainable ecosystem management and...

Climate-adaptive capacities and livelihood strategies under a prolonged drought

Baseline findings and policy implications for community-based support in Isiolo, Kenya
The “Building back better and greener: Integrated approaches for an inclusive and green COVID-19 recovery in rural spaces” project aims to: (a) build the capacity of key stakeholders in the provision of advisory and extension services; (b) integrate social protection interventions with complementary services on climate-adaptive agriculture and sustainable livestock...
2023 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Artículo de blog
Framework elevates monitoring for nature-based solutions + restoration in Makueni, Kenya

In early May of 2023, the Center for International Forestry Research and World Agroforestry (CIFOR-ICRAF) conducted an in-field training on its Land Degradation Surveillance Framework (LDSF) methodology for Nature-based Solutions (NbS) and Forest and Landscape Restoration (FLR) monitoring in Makueni County, Kenya. The four-days training formed part of a broader project to promote NbS for...
2023 - World Agroforestry

The gendered impacts of COVID-19 in Kenya, the Niger, Rwanda, and Uganda

Evidence from phone surveys
To identify and monitor the differential effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on women and men in rural households, IFPRI conducted phone surveys in selected regions of the four focal countries, with financial and technical support from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). The surveys traced gender...
Kenya - Niger - Rwanda - Uganda
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Family Farmers in Kenya Replace Expensive Fertilizer with Cover Crops; aka, “Green Manure”

Fertilizer prices driven by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine led a number of farmers around the world to consider or reconsider non-chemical alternatives.  For some years now, family farmers in Kenya’s Kisumu area have replaced chemical fertilizers with organic ones. Organic fertilizers do more than cut input costs and increase resilience...

Artículo de blog
Unlocking finance for African smallholder farmers

A major meeting this week brought together farmers, bankers, governments and development partners from across Africa and beyond to discuss ways to ensure smallholder farmers, the backbone of the region’s food system, have access to the finance they need to improve and scale up sustainable forest and farm management practices. The...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Building subnational capacities in animal health to deliver frontline cross-sectoral health services in Kenya

Operationalizing effective subnational veterinary services as major contributor to disease surveillance, reporting, diagnoses and One Health requires resources and mindset change. Here we describe workforce capacity building in animal health in Kenya and an approach that can be used to skill-up this workforce to respond beyond animal health challenges to...
2023 - Frontiers in Veterinary Science

Parte de un informe
Learning by doing: how family farming as a child shaped my life

I grew up in a place known as Kabazi, Subukia Constituency and Nakuru County in Kenya. As a child of a family farming household, I had to participate in farming activities alongside my education. The family depended on its member’s labour to be able to provide adequate and nutritious food...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO
Total results:327
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