Plataforma Global de las Escuelas de Campo de Agricultores

Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenibles y contribución de las Escuelas de Campo

En septiembre de 2015, los 193 Estados miembros de las Naciones Unidas adoptaron la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible, construida en torno a 17 Objetivos Mundiales. Los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) guían las acciones de los gobiernos, los organismos internacionales, la sociedad civil y otras instituciones entre 2015 y 2030. Los ODS pretenden acabar con la pobreza y el hambre, al tiempo que restauran y gestionan de forma sostenible los recursos naturales. Las ECA desarrollan las capacidades y los conocimientos de los productores, lo que les permite crear sistemas de producción más eficientes y sostenibles y contribuir a la consecución de los ODS.

  • FFS improve the livelihoods of poor people through increased productivity and market access. Learn more on FFS and business

  • FFS promote sustainable agriculture and enhance food and nutrition security through increased, better-quality food production.

  • FFS can impact many areas: integrating nutrition education for mothers and children; proposing improved sanitation practices to tackle HIV-AIDS, and vector-borne and water-borne diseases; introducing IPM to reduce pesticide poisoning; and imparting best practices for livestock production.

  • FFS provide hands-on education to adult farmers to improve livelihoods.

  • FFS promote gender equality and equity in all activities and roles. Learn more on FFS impacts on gender and social inclusion

  • FFS reduce reliance on and overuse of external inputs. They facilitate understanding of ecosystems, thus reducing pollution of natural resources, protecting water-related ecosystems and increasing water-use efficiency. 

  • FFS create employment opportunities, promote entrepreneurship for adults and youth, facilitate networking and strengthen associations. Learn more on Junior Farmer Field and Life Schools

  • FFS promotes climate-smart agriculture and supports disaster risk reduction, promoting mitigation and adaptation practices.

  • FFS activities revolve around agro-ecosystem analysis to support the understanding and sustainable management of ecosystems. They promote the conservation of ecosystems, genetic diversity and land restoration practices. Learn more on FFS and Integrated Pest Management