21st Session African Forestry and Wildlife Commission
Dakar (Senegal), 19/06/2018 - 23/06/2018
- FO:AFWC/2018/REP Report of the 21th Session of the African Forestry and Wildlife Commission (and the Fifth African Forestry and Wildlife Week)
- FO:AFWC/2018/01 Provisional Agenda
- FO:AFWC/2018/02 Outcome of Global Policy Processes of Relevance for the Regional Forestry Commissions
- FO:AFWC/2018/03 The High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition Report on Sustainable Forestry for Food Security and Nutrition
- FO:AFWC/2018/04 A New Strategic Document for Forests and Forestry
- FO:AFWC/2018/05 FRA 2020 and Efforts for Reducing Reporting Burden by Streamlining International Forest Reporting
- FO:AFWC/2018/06 Input to FAO Governance
- FO:AFWC/2018/07.1 Secretariat Report on FAO responses to the requests from the Twentieth Session of the African Forestry and Wildlife Commission
- FO:AFWC/2018/07.2 Report on measures taken by members to implement the recommendations of the Twentieth Session of the African Forestry and Wildlife Commission
- FO:AFWC/2018/08 Guidelines for Using Forest Concessions to Manage Public Forests
- FO:AFWC/2018/09 The African Forest Landscape Restoration Initiative (AFR100)-FAO support to the process
- FO:AFWC/2018/10 Developments in the field of Sustainable Wildlife Management in Africa
- FO:AFWC/2018/11 Building Resilience of Africa’s Drylands and Livelihoods: Investing in Sustainable Management and Restoration of Dryland Forests and Agrosilvopastoral Systems
- FO:AFWC/2018/Inf.1/Rev.1 Provisional Timetable
- FO:AFWC/2018/Inf.2 List of documents
- FO:AFWC/2018/Inf.3 Information note for participants
- FO:AFWC/2018/Inf.4 FAO Survey on Wildlife and Protected Area Management in Africa: Overview of results