


The strategy and action plan includes the two-year action plan for the region and the action and outreach plan which shows how FAO intends to reach out to different stakeholders and partners through various activities. 48 pp.


This policy brief is based on the paper on sustaining school enrolment when rains fail, a gender disaggregated analysis of the impacts of school feeding programmes on school enrolment in the context of dry shocks in Malawi. 4 pp.


This is the policy brief of a paper that investigates whether an increase in exogenous income through the Child Grants model of the Social Cash Transfer programme in Zambia fosters economic inclusion among rural women. 4 pp.


This document aims to highlight the Women in Development (WID) approach used by FAO in this project and thus highlight its best practices and lessons learned, as well as the benefits that women in particular and rural communities in general have been able to draw from it. 15 pp.


This Country Gender Assessment (CGA) for Azerbaijan is an important resource in shaping efforts to achieve the common goal of a more prosperous rural society with greater opportunities for all to realize their social and economic potential. It represents the first structured and all-encompassing collection of data and analysis, including development indicators for the agricultural and rural sectors of the country, with the application of a gender perspective. 110 pp.


This handbook is developed to improve the dietary diversity of women (especially during pregnancy and breastfeeding) and children up to the age of two years. It contains practical guidance covering the aspects of production, collection, marketing, storage, processing, preparation, and consumption of diverse foods. Eating a variety of foods in appropriate quantities daily is a key to a healthy diet for everyone. 72 pp.


In light of the significant changes to land ownership in Zimbabwe, there is a compelling need for a comprehensive National Land Policy that integrates land administration and governance. This publication outlines the three outputs of the project and the considerable effort put into promoting gender equality in various spheres, includign land allocation. 11 pp.


This policy brief is part of a series to present evidence from the strategies and praxis and draws conclusions and makes recommendations for expanding sustainable development and climate change policies and programmes. 21 pp.