


This brief is a summary of the Country Gender Assessment of Agriculture and the Rural Sector for Egypt.The CGA provides up-to-date information on the situation of women in the rural sector and was developed based on a desk review of information, reports and studies as well as on stakeholder consultations. 20 pp.


This Country Gender Assessment describes the specific roles and responsibilities that women and men perform in agriculture and documents the main gender inequalities that still affect the sector. The analysis also aims to assess rural women’s ability to influence the decision-making processes that affect their lives, particularly in the context of rural organizations, communities and households. 52 pp.


This brief describes the constraints as well as opportunities of women in the wood-based supply chain, from a case study that focuses on The Association of Women Producers and Traders of Secondary Forest Products (MALEBI) in Côte d’Ivoire. Within the framework of an agreement with the Ivorian government, MALEBI produces and sells charcoal from wood harvested in the Ahua gazetted forest and, in return, is committed to reforesting 5 hectares per year in the same forest area. 30 pp.


This brief describes the constraints as well as opportunities of women in the wood-based supply chain, from a case study from seven community-based forest cooperatives in the Atlántida, El Paraíso and Francisco Morazán regions of Honduras. These cooperatives are involved in a variety of income generating and employment opportunities based around wood product value chains; trade in other non-wood products, and small-scale livestock. 30 pp.


This report is part of a larger study that seeks to identify the knowledge gaps around gender in the forest sectors of Côte d’Ivoire, Viet Nam and Honduras by assessing the role of women in wood-based value chains and identifying possible interventions or recommendations to reduce gender disparities during VPA negotiations and implementation. 27 pp.


This brief describes how Extension and advisory services (EAS) systems and providers must transform their policies, organizational culture and services in order to adequately meet the needs of women, resulting in improved and more resilient livelihoods, adoption of sustainable practices and food and nutrition security. 4 pp.


This assessment of the agriculture and rural sector aims to enhance the understanding of gender dimensions in the agriculture and rural sector to support the formulation and implementation of informed and evidence-based policies, programmes and services, in line with national development priorities. 56 pp.


Each issue of FAO Europe and Central Asia Gender Newsletter explores and discusses women’s and men’s experiences in agriculture and food security in the region familiarizes the reader with relevant FAO activities and initiatives. 8 pp.