


The gender equality and livestock strategy 2021-2025 presents the priority areas for gender mainstreaming in the REU Livestock Programme. These priorities were identified throughout a participatory process by key stakeholder in the Livestock Sector in Europe and Central Asia. The main priority areas are the following: 1) Collect and analyze sex-disaggregated data in livestock in a systematic manner; 2) Secure vulnerable livestock farmers' access to productive resources; 11 pp.


This factsheet outlines the activities of the ‘Empowering women in small-scale fisheries for sustainable food systems’ project. The activities proposed in this project are aimed at supporting the small-scale fishers especially women to increase their participation in the whole value chain thereby increasing their incomes from fishing, fish processing by using  energy -saving or climate -smart technologies, and trading. 2 pp.


The National Gender Profile for Serbia represents the first comprehensive and structured attempt to collect and analyse available secondary data across all sectors relevant to agriculture and rural livelihoods. It provides a profound analysis of gender issues in agriculture, food security, and rural livelihoods. 124 pp.


Globally, and with only a few exceptions, rural and indigenous women fare worse than rural men and urban women and men on every indicator for which data are available. The complex experiences of rural and indigenous women and girls mean that they commonly face varied and deeply entrenched obstacles to empowerment. This document highlights some of the ways in which this can be achieved. 48 pp.


This publication discusses women’s and men’s experiences in agriculture and food security in the region. This approach to gender-sensitive communication also forms part of the UN system-wide plan on gender equality and women's empowerment. In each issue, you will meet our real heroes and read their stories: stories about how communities, especially women from remote villages together with various partners and governments, strive to improve lives and the ways in which 6 pp.


This publication aims to promote dialogues on and appropriate application of the data towards informing policy and programming decisions and monitoring and evaluation of nutrition outcomes and progress at global, regional, and country levels. 176 pp.


This report sheds light on the joint efforts and projects implemented through the cooperation between Turkey and FAO. Key activities include strengthening the capacities of rural women in Turkey and Azerbaijan and developing home-based nurseries in Tajikistan.The country has benefited from wide-ranging assistance from FAO and other partners, shaped by the FAO Country Programming Framework (CPF). 56 pp.


The role of women in agriculture in Lebanon is still not well recognized due to limited sex-disaggregated statistics and the lack of gender analysis in the sector. This brief outlines gender gaps in Lebanon in the fields of economic participation and opportunity where many women in rural areas are not aware of their basic rights. 2 pp.