


The Livestock for Health (L4H) project is a collaborative effort that shares the results of the L4H study recruitment and baseline survey carried out in September–November 2019. This brochure discusses the survey that aimed to obtain baseline data for monitoring trends in household milk yield, consumption of animal source foods (ASF), and nutritional status of the women and children participating in the L4H study. 58 pp.


In support of the implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication (SSF Guidelines), FAO in collaboration with the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad), conceptualized a project focused on promoting gender equality, capacity development throughout fish value chains, and improving nutrition and diets in five sub-Saharan Africa countries. 14 pp.


The brochure provides data disaggregated by sex on various issues under the following topics: (1) Small family farms and women's decision-making roles in agriculture; (2) Secure rights over land; (3) Employment, work and time use in agricultural contexts; (4) Access to digitalization and financial services; and (5) Food security. 24 pp.


This report provides a summary of key findings from a desk review and primary data research that has aimed to identify successful post-harvest initiatives related to infrastructure design and management, improved post-harvest technology, value addition and access to finance. 34 pp.


This enterprise policy note is based on the OECD-FAO Guidance for Responsible Agricultural Supply Chains and presents how companies can integrate a gender perspective into due diligence actions and provides practical examples of how companies operating in agricultural supply chains can tailor their responsible sourcing and risk-based due diligence efforts to support better development outcomes for women and girls. 10 pp.


This rapid gender analysis (RGA) explores the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on gender equality and food security in the Arab region. The findings and successes of this initiative are intended to strengthen the relationship between gender and food security actors regionally, and in particular within Iraq and the Sudan, while increasing the availability and transparency of gender analysis in the sphere of food security. 106 pp.


Through the FAO-NORAD project, survey data was used to “map” women’s organizations and assess their present capacities and needs in the small-scale fisheries sector. To support sustainable food systems and nutrition in sub-Saharan Africa, NORAD provided funding for initial project activities in five countries – Ghana, Malawi, Sierra Leone, United Republic of Tanzania and Uganda. This publication discusses the strengthening of women's roles in post-harvest processing 32 pp.


As part of the FAO-NORAD project “Empowering women in small-scale fisheries for sustainable food systems”, this publication focuses on gender equality and women’s small-scale fisheries organizations. The project supports activities in five countries – Ghana, Malawi, Sierra Leone, Uganda, and United Republic of Tanzania – with a focus on strengthening women’s roles in post-harvest processing and trade. 30 pp.