Forest and Landscape Restoration Mechanism


Monitoring has a critical role to support the implementation of FLR activities and facilitate communication and reports of achievements. Monitoring is fundamental for the continuation of restoration as assessing results, learning and communicating outcomes inspires replication and allows for transferable results. At the same time, it ensures transparency and provides evidence of progress and impact in relation to specific goals and objectives. The techniques used for monitoring include remote sensing, field inventories, national statistics and community-based surveys.

Watch our webinars below to learn more on tools and approaches to monitoring forest and landscape restoration.


Catalina Santamaria, Rakan A. Zahawi and Alan Grainger discuss and answer questions from the webinar participants on innovative approaches for monitoring forest and landscape restoration, including drones, legal issues and social aspects of monitoring.


Faustine Zoveda, FAO, summarizes the content presented by Bernadette Arakwiye, Catalina Santamaria, Rakan A. Zahawi and Alan Grainger on tools and approaches to monitoring forest and landscape restoration.


Bernadette Arakwiye, World Resources Institute, answers questions regarding Collect Earth and its use to monitor restoration in Rwanda.


Alan Grainger, School of Geography, University of Leeds presents Citizen Observatories


Catalina Santamaria, Rakan A. Zahawi and Alan Grainger discuss and answer questions from the webinar participants on innovative approaches for monitoring forest and landscape restoration, including drones, legal issues and social aspects of monitoring.


Bernadette Arakwiye, World Resources Institute, presents Collect Earth and its use to monitor restoration in Rwanda.


Rakan A. Zahawi, Director of the Lyon Arboretum, a research unit of the University of Hawaii at Manoa, presents research results on use of drones for monitoring forest and landscape restoration.


Alan Grainger, University of Leeds, answers questions regarding Citizen Observatories’ potential for monitoring forest and landscape restoration.


Maria Nuutinen, FAO presents the next steps of the knowledge-sharing forum, and of the Online Community of Practice for Forest and Landscape Restoration.


Faustine Zoveda, Forestry Officer at FAO, gives an introduction to the webinar “Innovative Approaches for Monitoring Forest and Landscape Restoration”.


Catalina Santamaria, Convention on Biological Diversity and Vice Chair of the Global Partnership on Forest and Landscape Restoration (GPFLR), opens the webinar “Innovative Approaches for Monitoring Forest and Landscape Restoration”.


During this webinar held in April 2021, the global Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) leads of The Restoration Initiative (TRI) present the last updates for the TRI Program-wide monitoring framework, including the revised Theory of Change and set of 9 core indicators with their associated template.