The Advisory Group defines the strategy and takes strategic decisions for the Forest and Landscape Restoration Mechanism (FLRM). It guides the operations of the FLRM based on recommendations from the FLRM team and inputs from the members and donors. This information includes in-country and regional progress reports (successes and challenges in implementing the FLRM work plans) and information on international debates and initiatives. Members of the Advisory Group operate within the framework created by the Programme Document developed for the implementation of the FLRM.
The Advisory Group meets once a year in person and on an ad hoc basis by electronic consultation and/or by conference call. The Advisory Group largely works by consensus if not by majority. Its main responsibilities are to:
- define the FLRM's missions, objectives, strategies and operating methods, to periodically re-evaluate them and to agree or not to any updates;
- develop criteria and rules for partnerships and financial support from the FLRM based on proposals made by the FLRM group;
- assess proposals for new partnerships in the light of the available budget and other relevant elements;
- review and endorse annual progress reports, including annual accounts, budget forecasts and annual operating plans drafted and presented by the FLRM group;
- monitor the progress, review the operations and expansion of the FLRM and send comments and feedback to existing and potential supporters, partners and beneficiaries of the facility as well as the general public, either directly or through the FLRM group; conduct a mid-term evaluation of the development after three years and a final evaluation by 2020;
- interact with donors and ensure good communication with them on all of the above issues; and
- oversee the work of the FLRM group.
Members are expected to actively participate in the work of the Advisory Group and to promote the FLRM to relevant agencies, institutions and organizations (at national and international levels) that may benefit from becoming a partner of the FLRM.
Composition and Organization
The Advisory Group has up to 15 members, ensuring a mix of institutional and individual representatives, including donor representation, and ensuring a relevant balance (geographical, gender and stakeholder – including donor representatives). More specifically, experienced and knowledgeable members will be drawn from the following constituencies:
- a representative of the Global Partnership on Forest and Landscape Restoration (Secretariat of the International Union for Conservation of Nature);
- the scientific community involved in forest and landscape restoration (CGIAR – Bioversity International);
- the Global Landscape Forum (GLF – CIFOR);
- governments/policy institutions (representatives of donors on a voluntary basis);
- the private/finance sector (World Business Council for Sustainable Development [WBCSD]);
- private companies involved in agribusiness (to be identified with the support of WBCSD);
- the Rainforest Alliance (to be identified with the support of WBCSD);
- policy and advocacy non-governmental organizations on landscapes (EcoAgriculture partners);
- the World Resources Institute (WRI);
- the Global Mechanism (GM) of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification;
- a representative of the Convention on Biological Diversity involved in the implementation of Aichi Targets; and
- the Forestry Department of the hosting institution (FAO).
Observers can be invited to the Advisory Group meeting and this invitation can be extended to potential new FLRM donors. The first meeting of the Advisory Group reviewed and discussed the criteria, procedures and Advisory Group composition. All members of the Advisory group are appointed in their personal and professional capacity and opinions they express will not bind the institution or organization they work for.
Countries selected for receiving FLRM support will be regularly invited to discuss national results and national work plans with the Advisory Group on the occasion of annual sessions or technical workshops to be organized back-to-back with Advisory Group sessions.