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Dairy Market Review - Overview of global dairy market developments in 2020 - April 2021

Year of publication2021
AbstractDairy Market Review: Overview of global dairy market developments in 2020, April 2021 The Dairy Market Review, April 2021 issue presents an overview of global dairy market developments in 2020, including trends in international milk product prices, world milk production and international trade in milk products. International dairy prices declined in 2020, mainly reflecting reduced import demand due to widespread economic downturns in importing countries. High export availabilities in exporting countries, caused by reduced internal sales and increased processing of less labour-intensive milk products, especially milk powders, also weighed on global milk prices. Despite many challenges to production due to the COVID-19 health crisis, world milk output rose in 2020, driven by increases in nearly all major regions. International trade in milk products also increased, driven by increased imports by a few countries in Asia and the Middle East.
Available inEnglish
Product typeJournal; magazine; bulletin
SeriesDairy Market Review
Areas of workGlobal Commodity Markets
CommodityMilk and dairy
Keywordsdairy industry; milk production; milk products; market prices; commodity markets