FAO Liaison Office with the United Nations in New York

Decision provides stronger basis for FAO, UNICEF, WHO and their members to intensify their work on producing and using harmonized data.

FAO Deputy Director-General Semedo joins the United Nations Environment Assembly and Quadripartite Executive Annual Meeting.

Deputy Director-General Maurizio Martina points out the catastrophic damage induced by the conflict across the entire food supply chain.
QU Dongyu addresses Meeting of G20 Foreign Affairs Ministers in Brazil.
Deputy Director-General Beth Bechdol urges game-changing solutions to break the vicious loop between climate crisis, conflict and hunger.
Interview with FAO Deputy Director-General Beth Bechdol on Gaza and other global emergencies including Ukraine and Sudan
FAO will lead 48 projects and three programs addressing challenges at the intersection of environment, agriculture, forestry, and marine/freshwater resources
FAO hosts global event that underscores the contribution pulses make to food security, healthy diets and the environment.
Coarse grain production on track to hit an all-time high, pushing up overall supply and trade prospects
New FAOSTAT domain focuses on statistics from dietary data

The 2024 ECOSOC Partnership Forum, held on 30 January, included a dedicated SDG Action Segment for Goal 2, co-organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the UN Major Group for Science and Technology, and the UN Major Group for Children and Youth.

FAO Chief Economist Maximo Torero stressed the importance of making agrifood systems more inclusive, sustainable and resilient to major drivers while ensuring affordable, healthy diets, speaking at the ECOSOC Coordination Segment session on resilient and sustainable food systems and SDG 2, at the United Nations in New York. 

In a bid to emphasize the transformative potential of agrifood systems in responding to climate change and ensuring good food for today and for tomorrow, the FAO Liaison Offices in New York, Brussels, Geneva and Washington D.C. joined forces with the Office of Climate Change, Biodiversity and Environment to brief and engage Members, stakeholders and partners on COP28 outcomes and the way forward.

QU Dongyu addresses African leaders at the Italian Senate
With Small Island Developing States (SIDS) centre-stage this week at the United Nations headquarters, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) invited Member States, UN System and partners to explore how the new FAO Global Roadmap to achieve SDG 2 and transform agrifood systems within a 1.5°C can support SIDS efforts to achieve sustainable development and respond to climate challenges.
At the GFFA in Berlin, Chief Economist Máximo Torero urges unity to end hunger and support policy and monitoring tools already in place.
Benchmark measure of world food commodity prices ends 2023 about 10 percent below its year-earlier level
UN agency issues call for urgent action in wake of Integrated Food Security Phase Classification report
Today, the General Assembly (UNGA) adopted the Second Committee (Economic and Financial) resolutions on Agriculture development, food security and nutrition; Eradicating rural poverty; Agricultural technology for sustainable development; Combating sand and dust storms; and Natural plant fibres.  
The data shows urgent need for improvement, as well as the potential for shared learnings