FAO Liaison Office with the United Nations in New York


The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has launched an Action Plan designed to support the implementation of its ambitious 


Around 2000 participants from over 160 countries, including over 20 Heads of State and Government, will attend the UN Food Systems Summit+2 Stocktaking Moment (UNFSS+2) at the Food and Agriculture Org...


Addressing a high-level United Nations Townhall Meeting held in New York during the High Level Political Forum (HLPF) 2023 on Sustainable Development, under the theme "Overcoming the crises, driving transformation for the SDGs, and leaving no one behind,” FAO Director-General QU Dongyu today o...


New York – Convening under the auspices of the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and ahead of the 2023 Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Summit in September, this year's HLPF is reviewing progress achieved on SDG 6 (clean water and sanitation), SDG 7 (affordable an...


The Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (CGRFA), the only intergovernmental body that deals with all matters specifically related to biodiversity for food and agriculture, is marking its 40th anniversary, and the importance of its work was stressed today during a meeting i...


The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has kicked off its emergency seeds distribution campaign to reach farmers in key regions, ensuring that they have the necessary resources to meet food production needs. This comes as a response to the urgency of the ongoing main...


The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations’ Data in Emergencies Information System (DIEM) has been awarded a global prize for special achievement in using geographic information system (GIS) t...


Over 122 million more people are facing hunger in the world since 2019 due to the pandemic and repeated weather shocks and conflicts, including the war in Ukraine, according to the latest State of Food Security and Nutriti...


“Governments should rethink how they can allocate their existing public budgets to make them more cost-effective and efficient in reducing the cost of nutritious foods, and increasing the availability, accessibility and affordability of healthy diets,” FAO Director-General QU Dongyu said at a ...


On 10 July, the World Food Forum (WFF) hosted a side event at the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) in New York. Titled "Empowering Youth for A Better Food Future – Driving Youth-led Agrifood Systems Transformation in a Post-COVID World," the event gathered...

The benchmark index of international food commodity prices declined again in June, led by price decreases for all major cereals and most types of vegetable oils, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) 

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is calling for enhanced early warning and anticipatory action in Somalia ahead of an expected El Niño and positive Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) event and the start of the upcoming Deyr rainy season in October 2023 that could affect...


Three new sites in Asia are the latest to have been formally recognized as Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS), underlining the importance of the continent’s centuries-old agricultural practices in fe...

Global agricultural and food production are projected to continue to increase over the next ten years, but at a slower pace of growth than the previous decade due to demographic trends, according to a 

The best ways of tackling the problem of water scarcity and shortages, as well as frequent, widespread and catastrophic floods, issues that affect more than 5 billion people worldwide, took centre stage at the 43rd session of the FAO Ministerial Conference this week with a series of high-level...


QU Dongyu was today re-elected to a second term as Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).

In ballot by FAO member countries, Qu received a total of 168 out of 182 votes deposited.

Nominated by China, Qu was the only candidate ...


The 43rd session of the FAO Conference (July 1-7) begins this Saturday at the Organization’s headquarters in Rome and will oversee the election of the Director-General of t...


The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), along with four partner agencies, has been tasked with leading the Clean and Healthy Oceans Integrated P...


Ministers, Vice-Ministers and other high-level representatives from dozens of countries most vulnerable to global crises and shocks have issued a call for action to boost the transformation of agrifood systems to make them more efficient, inclusive, resilient and sustainabl...