Podcast: Target Zero Hunger

TARGET: Zero Hunger is a podcast about global food security. With the latest research and the help of farmers, development experts and decision-makers around the world, each episode explores the food challenges and solutions of our time. TZH is available on Soundcloud, SpotifyiTunes, and Stitcher.

January 2018 - Sandy, Matthew, Maria… The list of hurricanes and natural disasters which have struck Haïti over the last decade is long. Its location between the Caribbean Sea and [...]
La pauvreté, le manque d’emplois ou encore les effets du changement climatique poussent de nombreuses personnes à quitter leur pays à la recherche d’un avenir meilleur. La migration économique touche [...]
  En Centrafrique, 4 ans après le coup d’état qui a déclenché une explosion des violences entreplusieurs groupes armés, le pays tente de briser le cercle vicieux de la violence. Priorité [...]
In this episode we take you to  Colombia to explore how farming and land rights are tied into the country’s quest for sustainable peace after 52 years of civil strife. [...]
In this episode we are visiting the community of Engarasero, near the border or Kenya and Tanzania. For centuries, semi-nomadic Maasai tribes of East Africa have migrated and herded their [...]

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