Podcast: Target Zero Hunger

就相关问题发表的博客,全球粮食安全根本问题的事件和政策。伴随着好奇之心,在最新的研究成果和来自全世界的农民,发展问题专家和决策者的帮助下,每一集都在我们的粮食系统中都洒下了一片光亮,并探索着这样的问题:日益增长的大城市将如何获得他们的食物? 保护森林如何帮助我们消除饥饿?以及改变饮食习惯可以怎样影响我们这个星球上的生物多样性?

There are 185 million indigenous women worldwide. They are fisherwomen, pastoralists, hunter-gatherers and defenders of their lands and natural resources. Despite their economic and social contribution, indigenous women are often [...]
Drought, flooding, and conflict in countries already affected by crisis threaten to put millions of people at risk of acute hunger, according the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). The UN agency [...]
3.3 million Syrians have fled across the border into Turkey as a result of the Syrian crisis. For the past year, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization(FAO) has been [...]
For around 60 years, antibiotics and other antimicrobial drugs have been used to treat and prevent diseases in livestock, aquaculture and crop production, and to make food production generally more [...]
Globally, we’re eating more fish than ever before and that’s set to increase as we head towards a population of 10 billion people by 2050. Fishing is big business and [...]
