
01 Jan 2015
The 2014 Annual Report on FAO's projects and activities in support of cooperatives and producer organizations (POs) provides evidence of how cooperatives and POs can be strategic partners for FAO and important agents of change, as clearly stressed in the FAO Strategic Framework 2010-2019. It is a yearly publication, now on its seventh edition. In the first place the 2014 Annual Report highlights key achievements obtained by FAO in 2014 in maintaining cooperatives and POs high on the global development agenda. Main attention is paid to acknowledgments achieved...
South-south Cooperation
18 Sep 2014
South-South Cooperation (SSC) is an effective and efficient means to achieving a world without hunger. Countries of the global south exchanging development solutions will strongly contribute to the accomplishment of food security, poverty reduction and the sustainable management of natural resources.
Private Sector
08 Aug 2014
Resource Partners
15 Jul 2014
粮农组织《战略框架》突出五大“战略目标”,力求通过优化重点领域、结果和资源划拨,加快消除饥饿、营养不良与贫困,同时加快实现自然资源的可持续利用。要想成功完成各项任务,就必须建立有力的伙伴关系,并在粮农组织自身资源的基础上筹措自愿捐款。 粮农组织目前已提出11项资源筹措重点领域,这些领域均存在巨大潜力,有望在全球区域和国家层面推动 具体结果的交付。每个重点领域均需要获得进一步投资,并确保最大程度提高资金的使用效果。 粮农组织及其伙伴已通过各项区域举措和《国别规划框架》在这些领域取得成果,而各项区域举措和《国 别规划框架》所代表的正是粮农组织和各国政府之间一致认同的工作重点。 我们诚邀各资源伙伴考虑在哪些领域和我们开展合作,才能实现影响的最大化。
01 Jan 2014
This module concerns the organizational dimension of capacity development, and hence how to strengthen the capacities of organizations. Topics include assessment of organizational capacity, change management and tracking organizational change. Tools are provided.dfdf