
21 Jun 2017
Kyoto University and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) jointly held the International Symposium on the Impact of Climate Change on Food and Agriculture to mark the one year anniversary of the signing of their Memorandum of Understanding and the 20th anniversary of the Kyoto Protocol. The Symposium took place at Kyoto University on 12 June 2017. The Symposium was attended by over 120 participants, including the Mayor of Kyoto, the Dean of Kyoto University, the Director of the Economics Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of...
16 Jun 2017
The Mississippi State University (MSU) and the Liaison Office for North America of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) sponsored  a Congressional Legislative Briefing on “Blue Growth: Future of Fish as a Significant Food Source” on 5 June 2017  in Washington. Dr. Mark Lawrence, Director at MSU’s Global Center for Aquatic Food Security highlighted aquaculture challenges, including feed, seed stocks, disease outbreaks and potential for antimicrobial resistance. Dr. Melba Reantaso, FAO Aquaculture Officer, wrapped up the briefing discussing the way forward for aquaculture and fisheries’ contribution to world food security under the Blue Growth Initiative. In closing, Dr. Kent...
12 Jun 2017
The FAO office in Russia organized a roundtable - webinar with the Russian State Agrarian University-Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy on “Effective use of water resources in agriculture and agroecology” in Moscow on 30 May. This is part of a series of webinars on sustainable management of natural resources and agriculture within the framework of the Year of the Environment in Russia. The roundtable- was the second such meeting of experts and policy-makers organized by FAO and the Academy. The first event on “Smart technologies in agroecology and farming” took place in April. Forthcoming events will focus on soil...
24 May 2017
FAO and the Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE) in Costa Rica have reaffirmed their commitment to collaborate by signing an agreement to renew their partnership. CATIE is a key partner for FAO in Latin America and contributes to the increasing of FAO presence on the ground through delivery of joint capacity building and training and provision of high level local expertize for research studies.  FAO and CATIE’s partnership contributes to the better informed strategies, tools and methodologies to improve sustainable forest management in the context of climate change mitigation and helps to strengthen capacities at the national and...
10 May 2017
Food security can only be achieved through effective collaboration with all interested actors in the food and agriculture sector by making use of each other’s knowledge, experience and comparative advantages    In March 2017, recognizing the success of the past four years of partnership, FAO and Wageningen University & Research (WUR) have sought to reaffirm their commitment to collaborate by signing an agreement to renew the...