
Resource Partners
11 Feb 2021
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Republic of Ireland signed a new Framework Agreement today, consolidating a longstanding collaboration between the two parties in the area of development cooperation.
South-south Cooperation
10 Feb 2021
10/02/2021 The Chinese Lunar New Year is approaching, and this is also the time for Chinese families to reunite. However, the experts dispatched by the FAO-China South-South Cooperation (SSC) Programme Madagascar Project are still holding fast to their position in a foreign country.  Today, let us have a look at their stories. FAO-China South-South SSC Programme Madagascar Project Madagascar, an island country in the southwest of the Indian Ocean, faces the coast of the African continent across the Mozambique Channel. It is a country listed as one of the least developed countries in the world, with its food security situation being particularly worrisome...
Resource Partners
08 Feb 2021
South-south Cooperation
04 Feb 2021
04/02/2021 2月4日,联合国粮农组织-中国南南合作计划捐资150万美元,启动佛得角项目,以提升该国粮食生产能力,促进粮食与营养安全。 当天,佛得角农业与环境部部长吉尔贝托与联合国粮农组织驻佛得角代表安娜图扎在该国首都普拉亚签署项目协议。此前,中国农业农村部副部长张桃林在北京签署了该协议。中国驻佛得角大使杜小丛出席了在普拉亚的签署仪式。 该项目将帮助佛得角政府开展形式多样的各级能力建设活动,如组织赴中国考察,在佛得角进行实地培训,以及开展针对培训者的培训等。 “通过开展这个项目,同时做好水土保持和应对气候变化等工作,我们相信,佛得角的农业将更具韧性、更加智能、更能适应气候变化,进而促进粮食与营养安全。这在佛得角需要生产更多健康食物的背景下显得格外重要。”吉尔贝托强调。 该项目为期三年,主要将支持佛得角的农业生产、病虫害防治、畜牧业发展、海藻养殖等重点领域。 “中国一贯以双边、三边甚至多边的方式支持非洲国家的农业发展。”杜小丛表示,“此次三方合作也表明,中国会在不远的将来支持更多国际伙伴,并在农业领域为非洲国家提供更多帮助。” 在联合国粮农组织-中国南南合作计划框架下,该项目将由联合国粮农组织、佛得角农业与环境部和中国农业农村部合作开展。中国将派遣七名专家前往佛得角,开展一系列的能力建设和实地培训活动。 “项目的最终目标是通过推广可提升粮食与营养安全的农业生产体系,帮助佛得角减少贫困,促进就业,尤其是女性和青年群体的就业,提高生活水平,促进经济增长。” 安娜图扎表示,“该项目旨在直接惠及超过4500人,包括农民、养殖户、研究人员、学生和技术人员等,并力求做到性别平等。” 联合国粮农组织-中国南南合作计划 中国是联合国粮农组织南南合作与三方合作的主要合作伙伴之一。自2009年以来,已有七万多人从联合国粮农组织-中国南南合作计划中直接获益,他们遍布非洲和亚洲的十余个发展中国家。佛得角是联合国粮农组织-中国南南合作计划下第14个实施国别项目的国家。
South-south Cooperation
03 Feb 2021
On the 29th of January 2021, in the context of the initiative Making every voice count for adaptive management, FAO’s Dryland Forestry team and South-South and Triangular Cooperation Division launched the webinar series entitled Navigating the Participatory Approach. The webinars falling under this theme will take place on a bi-monthly basis in order to provide a common place for all countries and stakeholders involved to exchange their views, lessons learned, and experiences related to the learning-by-doing monitoring approach that this initiative offers. In compliance with the purpose of the initiative, the present webinar series is meant...