
Resource Partners
23 Jul 2024
罗马/朱巴 — 南苏丹政府、联合国粮食及农业组织(粮农组织)和世界银行加大工作力度,支持南苏丹小农户建设气候韧性,以应对频发的洪水和其他与极端天气相关的灾害。 世界银行通过旗下的国际开发协会出资3000万美元,用于支持南苏丹农民、渔民和牧民开展良好农业实践,学习混农林业和自然资源管理技能。 此举将有助于普及各种气候适应型技术,改善农业生产,包括在洪涝地区种植雨养水稻;引进节能炉灶,减少毁林;开展监测、报告和诊断, 改善畜牧业和动物卫生;鼓励在捕捞后对鱼类进行加工处理;提供灾害风险管理设备,实现早期预警。
South-south Cooperation
19 Jul 2024
Sanya — The First FAO Technical Workshop on the Implementation of the One Country One Priority Product (OCOP) Initiative for Demonstration Countries was held in Sanya, China from 15 to 18 July 2024. The focal points from 16 OCOP demonstration countries across the five FAO regions and diverse geographic zones, including tropics, drylands, and mountainous regions.
Resource Partners
16 Jul 2024
松岛/罗马 — 绿色气候基金理事会在韩国松岛举行第39次会议,并于今天批准了经费为5230万美元的马拉维项目,以帮助该国应对气候变化的破坏性影响,强化长期粮食安全。 项目为期六年,由联合国粮食及农业组织(粮农组织)负责实施,旨在通过基于生态系统的方法,在流域和社区层面建设气候适应能力,惠及马拉维农村社区近57.5万名弱势人口。马拉维是联合国认定的最不发达国家,急需资金建设气候适应能力和韧性。 粮农组织副总干事玛丽亚·海伦娜·塞梅多说:“项目将采取全面、包容和创新的方法,帮助马拉维建设气候适应能力,解决气候变化背景下的主要环境和社会经济挑战。我们欢迎绿色气候基金理事会批准此项目,并期待与马拉维的同行合作,通过基于生态系统的全面气候行动,产生切实影响,推动马拉维农业部门转型。”此举有助于在该国落实粮农组织《2020-2031年气候变化战略》和《2022-2025年行动计划》。 
South-south Cooperation
11 Jul 2024
Rome / Beijing, 11 July 2024 – The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (MARA) of the People’s Republic of China reaffirmed their commitment to agrifood system transformations and the realization of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) during the 12th Annual Consultation Meeting (ACM) of the FAO-China South-South Cooperation (SSC) Programme. The meeting was convened virtually and was co-chaired by FAO and MARA. In his opening remarks, Mr. Anping Ye, Director of the FAO South-South and Triangular Cooperation Division, noted substantial advancements in the Programme's implementation during 2023-24 and expressed his gratitude to the...
Parliamentary alliances
11 Jul 2024
Developed with the support of the FAO and the cooperation of Spain and Mexico, the Model Law aims to transform agrifood systems and advance towards more sustainable agriculture in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Panama City 4 July 2024 – The Agriculture, Livestock, and Fisheries Committee of the Latin American and Caribbean Parliament (PARLATINO) has taken a crucial step by approving a Model Law on the Promotion of Agroecology, an innovative legislative framework that promotes sustainable and resilient agricultural practices in Latin America and the Caribbean. This legislation, developed in close collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and supported by the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) and the Mexican Agency for International Development Cooperation (AMEXCID), represents a significant advancement towards food security and sustainable development in...