
South-south Cooperation
03 Dec 2020
A high-level symposium tackles bottlenecks faced by farmers seeking access to financial systems
Recently, FAO, the Chinese Academy of Financial Inclusion (CAFI) and the Improving Capacity Building in Rural Finance (CABFIN) jointly held the virtual symposium Development of Inclusive Rural Digital Finance Services: China’s Experience and International Organization’s Practices. More than 30 speakers from China, Uganda, Kenya and international organizations participated, focusing on three themes: policy support environment; financial regulatory measures; and innovative case studies. Digital financial services (DFS) have become a key driving factor for developing countries and emerging market to enhance financial inclusion. In rural areas, DFS reaches youth, women, and marginalised groups more widely and effectively, helping farmers to...
Resource Partners
02 Dec 2020
The Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), QU Dongyu, participated today for the first time at a session of the Development Committee of the European Parliament. The Director-General thanked the Development Committee for the invitation and for their commitment to fight hunger and poverty.
Resource Partners
02 Dec 2020
FAO and the Government of Israel have signed a new Agreement to support the newly launched Food Coalition, which aims to mobilize financial resources, innovation and technical expertise, promote advocacy initiatives and establish a neutral space for dialogue among diverse and key stakeholders in support of countries most in need. Since the historic formation of the Food Coalition, Israel has been actively participating and committed voluntary financial contributions. The Food Coalition supports innovative COVID-19 and post crisis initiatives, identified in the context of various synergistic lines of action (provided through action sheets). Not...
Resource Partners
01 Dec 2020
The FAO Brussels office met with His Excellency Mehmet Kemal Bozay, the Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey to the European Union and his team to discuss the extensive collaboration between the Republic of Turkey, the European Union and the FAO.
Private Sector
30 Nov 2020
莫尔兹比港/罗马-为支持巴布亚新几内亚小农,打造更具包容性的农业食品价值链,联合国粮农组织实施了与欧盟联合供资的"支持农村创业、投资和贸易"(STREIT)计划,对接当地私营部门,与该国历史最悠久的国家食品生产企业天堂食品有限公司开展合作。今天签署《谅解备忘录》旨在通过提高质量、改善市场准入和制定产品认证计划,促进更具包容性和可持续性的可可生产价值链,为小农创造创收机会。"与当地私营部门合作并建立其与小农的有效联系,是可可价值链长期可持续发展的一项关键要素,期待有更多的合作伙伴加入。我们已经为1万多名小农户提供了帮助。在2021年,这一数字还将大幅提高。"联合国粮农组织巴布亚新几内亚项目官员Ken Shimizu表示。天堂食品有限公司集团首席执行官James Rice对此协议表示欢迎。他表示:"这一合作反映了我们对巴布亚新几内亚小农可持续生产和加工可可进行长期投资的承诺。""由欧盟联合供资的‘支持农村创业、投资和贸易'计划将支持当地中小微企业发展具有可持续性和包容性的可可、香草和渔业价值链。根据政府的可可产业战略,我们欢迎与天堂食品开展合作,并期待更多的当地农业企业、公司和农民从计划中受益,"欧盟驻巴布亚新几内亚大使Jernej Videti说。可可是该国最重要的经济作物之一,主要由小农从事生产。天堂食品是巴布亚新几内亚唯一一家将可可加工成半成品,同时为国内和出口市场生产优质巧克力的公司。公司致力于利用来自小农的原材料,支持该国包容性农业和可可价值链发展。该伙伴关系将支持农村减贫行动,并有助于实现欧盟"支持巴布亚新几内亚农村创业、投资和贸易"(STREIT PNG)项目的宗旨。这一项目是欧盟对太平洋区域资金捐助规模最大的项目。联合国粮农组织是"支持农村创业、投资和贸易"项目的主要执行机构,协调国际劳工组织、国际电信联盟、联合国资本发展基金和联合国开发计划署的工作。该项目的目标还包括改善可持续和包容性的经济发展并创造就业机会,重点关注妇女、青年和适应气候变化。具体而言,这一全新伙伴关系与联合国粮农组织"手拉手"行动计划相一致,积极推动私营部门与当地可可生产者展开合作,促进小农、贸易商及其组织更多地参与可可供应链。合作将首先集中在巴布亚新几内亚的东、西塞皮克省,联合国粮农组织和天堂食品公司将提供专门知识,共同支持为可可小农生产者制定相关认证计划。改善质量和标准化认证将有助于提高当地可可产品的长期市场机遇,增加小农收入。