
Parliament Action #4 | Engaging young women and men in rural and agriculture development

Parliamentary alliances

With the COVID-19 crisis exacerbating the existing vulnerabilities of rural young women and men, better and more age- and gender-responsive policy and legislation become crucial.

Sesiones Parlamentarias Hambre Cero - Lanzamiento

Parliamentary alliances

Sesiones Parlamentarias Hambre Cero es una iniciativa del Frente Parlamentario contra el Hambre de América Latina y el Caribe, que busca el intercambio de conocimiento y acuerdos para la toma de acción entre los distintos parlamentos de la región.

The Africa Solidarity Trust Fund

Resource Partners

By unlocking the potential of intra-African cooperation to bring about rural transformation, the Africa Solidarity Trust Fund (ASTF) provides catalytic and flexible funding to support Africa-for-Africa initiatives on food and agriculture, at regional and country level. The Fund has provided [...]

Strengthening the Science-Policy Nexus for Sustainable Fisheries: Student Testimonials


The new partnership between Duke University and FAO provides students with the opportunity to engage and contribute to the scholarship, policy and sustainability of small-scale fisheries around the globe.

Announcement – Phase III of the FAO-China SSC Programme

South-south Cooperation

FAO welcomes the announcement by Xi Jinping, President of the People's Republic of China, that his country will support the establishment of Phase III of the FAO-China South-South (SSC) Cooperation Programme with an additional $50 million in funding.

Phase III of the FAO-China SSC Programme covers six key thematic areas: enhancement [...]

Texas A&M and FAO: Supporting Sustainable Development and Food Security While Educating the Next Generation of Leaders


A partnership between Texas A&M and FAO arranges for undergraduate and graduate students to intern at FAO, where they are paired with a mentor who guides them as they contribute to projects which are relevant to their area of study. Participants in the program share their experiences working at FAO [...]

Parliament Action # 3 | Protecting and Promoting Women’s Land Rights in the Face of COVID-19

Parliamentary alliances

Land is a critical resource from which people derive their livelihoods. However, women around the world remain significantly disadvantaged regarding their right to land.

FAO + Belgium. Finding innovative solutions for a hunger-free world

Resource Partners

Together we are… responding fast to humanitarian crises, acting early to mitigate the impact of disasters, bridging the humanitarian-development-peace nexus, providing sustainable solutions through innovation, improving food security and nutrition, …and enhancing global food governance.

Recent FAO + Belgium initiatives have worked to…



Resource Partners

2019冠状病毒病大流行的社会与经济影响…… 导致实现可持续发展目标的进程遭遇挫折。 我们必须立即采取行动,支持受影响最严重的社区: 农村地区最贫困和最弱势的群体。 粮农组织 2019冠状病毒病 响应行动 促进…… 包容性经济与社会保障,推动减贫 唯有携手并举,我们才能……

  1. 拓展社会保障范围 我们努力为最贫困和弱势的群体提供更多帮助:女性、移 民、非正规经济部门工人、 小农、土著居民、青年和儿童。 通过在农村地区拓展社会保障措施范围, 确保上述群体不会排除在经济复苏之外, 推广关注营养的社会保障。
  2. 增强对小规模生产者的经济包容性 我们促进农村金融、 自然资源管理计划和市场渠道的包容性获取, 提升林业和农业生产者的长期韧性, 减少对童工的使用。
  3. 强化农村妇女经济赋权 我们努力保障农业食品价值链中农村妇女的就业机会, 赋权农村妇女参与2019冠状病毒病应对, 确保农村妇女平等获取土地等生产性资源, 保护农村妇女免受性别暴力。
  4. 保护非正规经济部门工人与创业者 我们帮助初创企业与私营部门、创业孵化器和线上市场建 立联系。 我们加强对咨询服务和金融的获取,包括企业复苏补助金 …… 支持各项措施,尤其重视吸引年轻人加入农业部门。 我们推出了农业食品体系、线上销售和绿色环保职业技能 培训。
  5. 保护和赋权移民工人 我们广泛宣传农业食品领域内移民受到的社会经济影响, 倡导将其纳入2019冠状病毒病应对行动, 进一步扶助依赖侨汇维持生计的家庭。




Resource Partners

2019冠状病毒病大流行对全球贸易的影响, 是现代社会前所未见的。 疫情对粮食和农业供应链各环节造成影响, 为粮食供应和获取造成短期和长期风险。 粮农组织 2019冠状病毒病 响应行动 推广…… 贸易和食品安全标准。 唯有携手并举,我们才能……

  1. 开展农业贸易和贸易政策评估 我们努力找到贸易面临的瓶颈和机遇…… 开展全方位贸易和价值链评估, 召开多方利益相关者圆桌会议…… 明确干预的优先重点。
  2. 协调区域多方利益相关者贸易网络和平台 我们推动贸易政策协调和私营部门参与, 加强与世卫组织以及国际食品安全当局网络 (INFOSAN)的协作……
  3. 促进贸易便利化 我们提供贸易相关技术援助,推动数字解决方案, 支持改善实验室,开展食品分析, 支持为投资需要确定优先地位…… 制定计划消除贸易障碍。
  4. 建立市场信息和早期预警系统 我们确认供应链面临的物流阻碍, 因地制宜建立信息和早期预警系统。
  5. 为国家和区域机构开展能力建设 我们制定手册,编制能力建设路线图…… 为国家和区域机构举行培训。

