
How has the FAO-China SSC programme helped you as a farmer, woman and entrepreneur?

South-south Cooperation

Ms Mugala Sophie, shares her experiences on how the FAO-China SSC programme has helped her both professionally and personally.

This video interview was taken on the occasion of the Tenth Anniversary of the FAO-China South-South Cooperation Programme and Future Persp

How are innovative solutions in the South key for tackling development issues?

South-south Cooperation

Ms. Wei Wang, Special Advisor to the President, International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) shares her experiences and best practices in rural finance, focusing on the application of new technologies and how these initiatives can be further scaled up through South-South and triangular cooperation.

This video interview was taken on the [...]

How is South-South and Triangular cooperation supporting farmer and sustainable agribusiness?

South-south Cooperation

Prof Xiaoyun Li shares his experiences and best practices in promoting farmer’s income growth and sustainable agribusiness development and how these initiatives can be further scaled up through South-South and triangular cooperation.

This video interview was taken on the occasion of the Tenth Anniversary of the FAO-China South-South Cooperation Programme and [...]

Investing in South-South and Triangular cooperation to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals

South-south Cooperation

Resilience is a key aspect of the fight against hunger and malnutrition, especially in rural contexts. Dr Michael Baum shares his experiences on how it is important to invest in South-South and Triangular Cooperation (SSTC) and create strategic linkages with Global Networks/research centres, in order to fulfil the goals set [...]

How is South-South and Triangular cooperation useful to scale-up new technologies and Initiatives?

South-south Cooperation

Mr. Moucheng Liu shares his experiences on the South-South Cooperation - Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) capacity development trainings and overall approaches, used to reach farmers’ needs.

This video interview was taken on the occasion of the Tenth Anniversary of the FAO-China South-South Cooperation Programme and Future Perspectives for South-South [...]

Know-how and sustainable technologies adapted to local conditions, is key to technology transfer

South-south Cooperation

Prof Xiaoyun Li shares his and the Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Science’s experiences in engaging with the FAO-China South-South Cooperation Programme.

This video interview was taken on the occasion of the Tenth Anniversary of the FAO-China South-South Cooperation Programme and Future Perspectives for South-South and Triangular Cooperation (25-27 November 2019, [...]

Flexible Multi-Partner Mechanism: Flexible funding to reach the right people at the right time

Resource Partners

In today’s fast-changing world, greater flexibility means greater impact. FAO’s Flexible Multi-Partner Mechanism or FMM allows partners to contribute flexible funding that helps us to reach the right people at the right time and achieve strategic results. So far, the FMM has enabled FAO to partner with Belgium, Flanders, France, [...]

Enhancing Access to Innovations in Agriculture


FAO Director General Qu Dongyu and Mississippi State University President Mark Keenum address actions to improve access to innovation in agriculture to contribute to socio-economic growth, ensure food and nutrition security, alleviate poverty and thereby, support the achievement of the SDGs.

This event builds upon the International Symposium on Agricultural Innovation [...]

Sosorbaram – FAO-China South-South Cooperation (SSC) Programme

South-south Cooperation

Sosorbaram Lkhagvaa is 34 years old and works in a greenhouse farm supported by the FAO-China South-South Cooperation (SSC) Programme.

While he initially trained to work in railway transportation, limited employment opportunities in his parents’ home village led him to pursue farming. Thanks to the support received from the FAO-China SSC [...]

Hans Hoogeveen on the First Triangular Cooperation Project Agreement under FAO-China SSC Programme

South-south Cooperation

Remarks by Hans Hoogeveen, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to FAO on the First Triangular Cooperation Project [...]