International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture


September 20, 2017, Kigali: Delegates from the African Union Commission convened in Rwanda for a two-day Regional Workshop on the Implementation of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA). The Workshop provided African...
FAO, ROME – Close to 100 farmers, experts, academics, plant breeders and scientists from different regions of the world gathered at FAO to exchange differing experiences between Community Seeds Banks in “the global South” and those in...
FAO, Rome – For the first time genebanks and plant breeders will get guidance on standard identification, thus enhancing the automated exchange of research results, particularly through the growing Global Information System (GLIS) of the International Treaty on...
The Darwin Initiative, a British government grants scheme aimed at helping protect biodiversity and the natural environment worldwide, announced that it is now accepting applications for this round’s projects. The deadline for project proposals is 12 September 2017. Selected...
03 July 2017, Rome – Speaking during the 40th Session of the FAO Conference in Rome, Rwandan Minister of Agriculture and Animal Resources, H.E. Geraldine Mukeshimana announced that Rwanda will be hosting the Seventh Session of the Governing Body of...

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