FAO emergencies and resilience

Eastern Africa

©FAO/Country: Somalia

Of the countries most vulnerable to climate change, nine are located in Eastern Africa (ND-GAIN country index). Across Eastern Africa, more frequent and intense climate shocks, like droughts, floods and cyclones, have made small-scale farmers one of the most vulnerable communities due to their dependence on climate and natural resources. Coupled with economic inequality, conflict and political instability, affected communities continue to face a cascade of challenges that make it harder to recover. FAO delivers urgent humanitarian assistance and technical expertise in advance of predicted crises, at the onset of crises and beyond to assist communities in their recovery and pave a pathway to sustainable agricultural livelihoods.

FAO urges swift action as La Niña threatens global food security

The Organization’s Anticipatory Action Plan outlines ways to safeguard millions of people at risk in view of the climate phenomenon’s potential devastating...

Sudan: Conflict, access constraints and floods undermine FAO efforts to support agriculture and food security

From FAO Regional Office for Near East and North Africa

Famine conditions in parts of Sudan: FAO urges at scale life-saving assistance to boost local food production

In response to alarming new findings confirming famine conditions in parts of Darfur, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)...

South Sudan: Contributions to mitigating conflict between mobile pastoral communities

This learning brief documents the main lessons drawn from the South Sudan country investment project entitled Resilient Pastoral Livelihoods and Education...

South Sudan: Humanitarian Needs and Response Plan 2024

Humanitarian needs in South Sudan are expected to reach a record high this year. Amid a complex emergency that has displaced millions and destroyed...

Ethiopia: Belgium's contribution through the Special Fund for Emergency and Rehabilitation Activities (SFERA)

The lives and livelihoods of an estimated one million people in Ethiopia’s Tigray region have been severely disrupted by the recent drought in the north....

Interview with Rein Paulsen, Director of FAO's Office of Emergencies and Resilience

The COVID-19 pandemic, the climate crisis, environmental degradation, biodiversity loss, and conflicts have created significant food security challenges...