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Comité del Codex sobre Residuos de Plaguicidas
03/06/2024 - 08/06/2024 | Chengdú, provincia de Sichuán, China

The 55th Session of the Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues (CCPR55) will take place in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, People’s Republic of China, from 3-8 June 2024.

Practical information for delegates attending CCPR55 is available "here".

Hotel registration forms are available as follows:
  • JW Marriott Hotel Chengdu
  • Canopy By Hilton Chengdu City Center
  • Minyoun Chengdu Rezen Hotel (Please email [email protected] to make a room reservation)

    All delegates participating in the plenary session should provide their information (names and addresses) through the Codex Online Registration System (ORS) by accessing the Login on the Codex website, as soon as possible.
    Login and password for online registration have been provided to all Codex Contact Points and Contact Points of Observer Organizations. If the login and password have not been received, please contact [email protected].

    On-site registration
    Information on the on-site registration is provided in the Information for Delegates.


    The Plenary sessions and the side events will also be webcast in listening mode only, in English, French and Spanish.
    Delegations attending CCPR55 remotely cannot make verbal interventions and they will not be included in the list of participants of CCPR55.

    Webcast of CCPR55 is available HERE.

    The recording of all languages will be available as soon as possible after the session.

    A tentative timetable will be available for advance notice of Codex members and observers participating in the plenary session.
    The timetable remains flexible to be adjusted according to the progress made on the different items of the Provisional Agenda and as such it remains as an advisory document to guide the discussion over plenary session.

    The following virtual meetings of WGs will be held to facilitate the consideration and resolution of the matters raised in the relevant working papers by CCPR.

    Participation of Codex members is therefore of importance.

    The meetings could run over time into the timeslot for the next meeting.

    Specific times allocated to each WG is therefore not indicated and remain flexible within the single time slot allocated to them. The meetings will be conducted in English only.

    Click "here" to register to attend the meetings of the WGs. Registration is open to Codex Members and Observer organizations regardless of whether they will be participating in person in the plenary session.

    Tuesday 28 May (13:00 – 16:00 CET)

    Codex members and observers kindly invited to work constructively to make recommendations for consideration by CCPR to act on the compounds addressed by the WG to support work on priorities and national registration of pesticides for the periodic review of unsupported compounds with no public health concern and to facilitate work progress on enhancement of work for CCPR and JMPR. Depending on availably of time and WG Chairs, and with the agreement of participants, one of the items scheduled for Wednesday 29 can also ready start on Tuesday 28 May and continue on Wednesday 29 May.
    • Management of unsupported compounds without public health concerns scheduled for periodic review.
    • Enhancement of the operational procedures of CCPR and JMPR.

    Wednesday 29 May (13:00 – 16:00 CET)

    Codex members and observers are kindly invited to work constructively to make recommendations for consideration by CCPR to provide advice on how to proceed with the proposals for extrapolated MRLs for eggplants and to make progress on the development of the Guidelines for reference materials.
    • Establishment of extrapolated MRLs for eggplants (VO 0246).
    • Guidelines for monitoring the purity and stability of reference materials and related stock solutions of pesticides during prolonged storage.

    Side event on Side Event on Outcomes from the 4th Global Minor Use Summit
    For further information click here. English only.
    The PPT as presented during the side event is available here

    Side Event on Environmental Inhibitors in Agrifood Systems and the Role of Codex
    For further information click here. English only.


    Circular Letters
    The list of CLs relevant to CCPR55 is available from "Related Circular Letters”.

    JMPR Reports
    The report of the regular meeting of the Joint FAO/WHO Meeting on Pesticide Residues that took place in September 2023 is available from the FAO and WHO websites concerning MRL recommendations arising from this Meeting (Agenda Item 6) and as background information for matters for consideration under Agenda Items 5(a) and 5(b). JMPR reports are available in English only.

    Working Documents
    Documents for consideration by CCPR55 will be published on this page as soon as they become available. They will be available in English, French and Spanish. Some working documents may be available in English or original language only. Conference Room Documents (CRDs) will be kept in original language. No printed copies of working documents will be made available for the plenary session.

    The draft report will be available in English, French and Spanish. Appendices will be available in English only. The draft report and appendices will not be printed but will be made available online.



    SIDE EVENTSChair's letter

    Chair's letter

    Documentos relacionados

    TemaDescripciónFecha de carga
    Documento de referencia
    4.1Asuntos planteados por la FAO y la OMS10/04/2024
    CX/PR 24/55/3
    1Programa provisional04/04/2024
    CX/PR 24/55/1
    7.1Directrices para realizar un seguimiento de la pureza y la estabilidad del material de referencia y soluciones madre de plaguicidas conexas durante el almacenamiento prolongado (en el trámite 4)11/04/2024
    CX/PR 24/55/6
    9.1Registros nacionales de plaguicidas 14/04/2024
    CX/PR 24/55/8
    11.1Mejora de los procedimientos operacionales del Comité del Codex sobre Residuos de Plaguicidas y la Reunión Conjunta FAO/OMS sobre Residuos de Plaguicidas 16/04/2024
    CX/PR 24/55/10
    8.1Gestión de compuestos sin apoyo y que no son motivo de preocupación en materia de salud pública programados para la revisión periódica 14/04/2024
    CX/PR 24/55/7
    4.2Asuntos planteados por otras organizaciones internacionales25/04/2024
    CX/PR 24/55/4
    13.1Análisis de decisiones anteriores del Comité del Codex sobre Residuos de Plaguicidas de establecer límites máximos de residuos (LMR) en el tomate y el pimiento con vistas a establecer LMR correspondientes en la berenjena 25/04/2024
    CX/PR 24/55/12
    12Coordinación del trabajo entre el Comité del Codex sobre Residuos de Plaguicidas y el Comité del Codex sobre Residuos de Medicamentos Veterinarios en los Alimentos: Grupo de trabajo conjunto del Comité del Codex sobre Residuos de Plaguicidas y el Comité del Codex sobre Residuos de Medicamentos Veterinarios en los Alimentos sobre compuestos de doble uso: estado de los trabajos08/05/2024
    CX/PR 23/54/11
    3Asuntos remitidos al Comité del Codex sobre Residuos de Plaguicidas por la Comisión del Codex Alimentarius u otros órganos auxiliares 17/05/2024
    CX/PR 24/55/2
    10Establecimiento de los calendarios y las listas de prioridades del Codex en materia de evaluación o reevaluación de plaguicidas por la Reunión Conjunta FAO/OMS sobre Residuos de Plaguicidas 22/05/2024
    CX/PR 24/55/9
    101Division of Competence between the European Union and its Member States27/05/2024
    Informe de la 55.ª reunión del CCPR12/09/2024
    6.1MRLs for pesticides in food and feed (at Steps 7 and 4)30/04/2024
    CX/PR 24/55/5
    6.2Comments in reply to CL 2024/44-PR08/05/2024
    CX/PR 24/55/5-Add.1
    7.2Comments in reply to CL 2024/45-PR08/05/2024
    CX/PR 24/55/6-Add.1
    11.2Comments in reply to CL 2024/48-PR17/05/2024
    CX/PR 24/55/10-Add.1
    8.2Comments in reply to CL 2024/46-PR17/05/2024
    CX/PR 24/55/7-Add.1
    9.2Comments in reply to CL 2024/47-PR20/05/2024
    CX/PR 24/55/8-Add.1
    13.2Comments in reply to CL 2024/49-PR27/05/2024
    CX/PR 24/55/12-Add.1
    103Guidelines for Monitoring the Stability and Purity of Reference Materials and Related Stock Solutions of Pesticides during Prolonged Storage27/05/2024
    108Comments of Brazil27/05/2024
    109Comments of Philippines27/05/2024
    111Comments of United Arab Emirates27/05/2024
    112Comments of Croplife International29/05/2024
    113Comments of Thailand29/05/2024
    117Comments of Uganda01/06/2024
    116Comments of Japan01/06/2024
    115Comments of Indonesia01/06/2024
    107Comments of China01/06/2024
    106Comments of Burundi01/06/2024
    105Comments of Australia01/06/2024
    118Comments of India01/06/2024
    119Comments of Nigeria01/06/2024
    120Comments of Ghana01/06/2024
    114Comments of Uruguay01/06/2024
    CRD14 REV.1
    121Comments of Senegal02/06/2024
    122Comments of Morocco03/06/2024
    104Report of the Virtual Working Group on Guidelines for Monitoring the Stability and Purity of Reference Materials and Related Stock Solutions of Pesticides during Prolonged Storage03/06/2024
    110Comments of European Union03/06/2024
    CRD10 REV.1
    124Comments of Agrocare Latinoamerica03/06/2024
    123Comments of United States of America03/06/2024
    125Comments of Bangladesh04/06/2024
    102Report of the Electronic Working Group on Priorities05/06/2024
    126Comments of Ecuador05/06/2024
    127Report of the In-session Working Group on Guidelines for Monitoring the Stability and Purity of Reference Materials and Related Stock Solutions of Pesticides during Prolonged Storage06/06/2024
    128All files zip collection