Global Soil Partnership

Presentations | 7th meeting of GLOSOLAN

Item 1: Global Soil Partnership and its activity plan | Mr. Yuxin Tong, GSP, FAO

Item 2: Report of the work performed by GLOSOLAN in 2022-2023 | Ms. Miriam Ostinelli, GLOSOLAN Chair

Item 3: Regional priorities and needs, and presentation of progresses on the establishment of National Soil Laboratory Networks (NASOLANs)| Moderator: Mr. Filippo Benedetti, GLOSOLAN Coordinator, FAO

Item 4: Proficiency tests (PTs)| Moderator: Mr. Elh Moudi Moustapha Abdourahaman, GLOSOLAN Vice-Chair

Item 5: Presentation of the candidates for the position of GLOSOLAN Chair and vice-Chair | Moderator: Mr. Filippo Benedetti, GLOSOLAN Coordinator, FAO

Item 6: Announcements on international events | Moderator: Mr. Filippo Benedetti, GLOSOLAN Coordinator, FAO

Item 7: 2022-2023 report of the GLOSOLAN Initiative on Soil Spectroscopy (GLOSOLAN-Spec)| Mr. Eyal Ben Dor, GLOSOLAN-Spec Chair

Item 8: GLOSOLAN sub working groups and future collaborations | Moderator: Ms. Miriam Ostinelli, GLOSOLAN Chair

Item 9: Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) | Moderator: Ms. Nopmanee Suvannang, ITPS

Item 10: Capacity building | Moderator: Mr. Filippo Benedetti, GLOSOLAN Coordinator, FAO

Item 11: Digitalization of analytical results | Ms. Nopmanee Suvannang, ITPS

  • A casa from Canada Mr. Gordon Price, Centre for Sustainable Soil Management, Dalhousie University
  • The need of georeferenced data and development of templates

Item 12: Endorsement of the GLOSOLAN work plan and decisions for the year 2024 | Ms. Miriam Ostinelli, GLOSOLAN Chair

  • GLOSOLAN global assessment 2023-24
  • Global PT
  • Annual calendar for soil laboratories
  • Format of the next GLOSOLAN meeting
  • Open discussion

Item 13: Election of the new GLOSOLAN Chair and vice-Chair and renewal of GLOSOLAN Steering Committee | Moderator: Mr. Filippo Benedetti, GLOSOLAN Coordinator, FAO