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GIEWS - Global Information and Early Warning System

Country Briefs

GIEWS Country Briefs provide up to date information on the food security situation of monitored countries. The Country Briefs include information on the current agricultural season and the harvest prospects for the main staple food crops and livestock situation. In addition, the Briefs provide estimates and forecasts of cereal production and trade volumes together with food price and policy developments. The Briefs use the following data/tools: FAO/GIEWS Country Cereal Balance Sheet (CCBS); FAO/GIEWS Food Price Monitoring and Analysis (FPMA) Tool; FAO/GIEWS Earth Observation for Crop Monitoring and Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC). Other topical information and data sources may be used when relevant.

 Briefs updated in past 60 days
AfricaAsiaLatin America and Caribbean
North Africa
West Africa
  Burkina Faso
  Cabo Verde
  Côte d'Ivoire
  Sierra Leone
Central Africa
  Central African Republic
  Democratic Republic of the Congo
  Equatorial Guinea
East Africa
  South Sudan
  United Republic of Tanzania
Southern Africa
  South Africa
Far East
  Democratic People's Republic of Korea   
  Lao People's Democratic Republic
  Republic of Korea
  Sri Lanka
  Viet Nam
Near East
  Iran (Islamic Republic of)
  Saudi Arabia
  Syrian Arab Republic
South Caucasus and Central Asia
  Dominican Republic   
Central America
  Costa Rica
  El Salvador
South America
  Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
  Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
Europe & Oceania
  Republic of Moldova   
  Russian Federation