
26 May 2016
Chile promulga una nueva ley de etiquetado de alimentos pionera en el mundo
Roma, 26 de mayo de 2016. “El derecho a saber es fundamental para que la gente pueda saber lo que come y tomar decisiones informadas para alcanzar una dieta saludable”, decía el senador Guido Girard Lavín en la sede de la FAO en la presentación de la nueva ley de etiquetado de alimentos de Chile, que entrará en vigor este próximo mes de junio, después de haber iniciado su tramitación hace casi diez años y tras haber librado una gran lucha y negociación con la industria alimentaria. La lucha Fue en 2007...
08 Jun 2015
Submission of applications can be done from 02 June to 31 October 2015 for any of the five categories of Award
Date palms are vital for the livelihoods of people in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and other countries in the Near East. They provide sustenance, building materials, shade and a source of income. Since 1965, FAO is proud to be part of the efforts to promote date palms and recognizes that the UAE are at the forefront of regional and international efforts to sustainably produce date palms. In the spring of 2015, two date palm oases in the UAE have joined the growing number of ecosystems that are formally recognized by FAO for their importance as repositories of genetic resources, biodiversity...
13 May 2015
FAO and the John Cabot University agree on “Communicating to Inspire Change: Food Security and Sustainability” a summer short course in July 2015 designed to provide University students with a solid and broad background on food security and sustainability
FAO and the John Cabot University agree on “Communicating to Inspire Change: Food Security and Sustainability” a summer short course in July 2015 designed to provide University students with a solid and broad background on food security and sustainability so that they may have the key informational foundations to develop methods and tools for “Communicating to Inspire Change.”   The course will be in English. During the second half of 2014, the Office for Corporate Communications in collaboration with the Office for Partnerships, Advocacy and Capacity Development (OPC), FAO, established linkages with a number of Universities worldwide, especially prior to the International...
28 Apr 2015
FAO announces new global flagship partnership with the International University of Languages and Media from Milan (Italy)
FAO is proud to announce a new global flagship partnership with IULM (International University of Languages and Media, Milan). On Monday 20 April, Mario Lubetkin, Director of Corporate Communication at FAO signed a strategic agreement with IULM University Chancellor Professor Giovanni Puglisi. The alliance seals a marriage of top-level skills: FAO's widely recognized know-how in the field of nutrition and the educational excellence of IULM. In particular, in this the year of the Universal Exposition of Milan, FAO and the University will be offering thirty students the opportunity to follow a course titled “Communicating to Inspire Change: harnessing the bounties of...
25 Feb 2015
粮农组织和中华人民共和国一致同意加强协作,保护标志性传统农作系统,如壮观的云南哈尼稻作梯田。   双方最近签署了一项新的《谅解备忘录》:“通过南南合作框架下开展的能力建设促进实施全球重要农业文化遗产系统计划”,在粮农组织全球重要农业文化遗产系统计划范围内加强合作。   粮农组织正在与其全球、区域和国家合作伙伴积极开展合作,确定、支持和保护由农业、林业、渔业和畜牧业传统系统构成的全球重要农业文化遗产系统。这项工作注重小生产者、家庭农民、土著居民和当地社区在保护和可持续利用生物多样性和遗传资源方面的关键作用。   “自2002年粮农组织启动全球重要农业文化遗产项目以来,该举措为保护生物多样性、弘扬本土农业知识、振兴农村地区发展和帮助农民增收发挥着重要和积极的作用,并为实现全球粮食安全和农业可持续发展提供了新方法,”中国农业部国际合作司司长王鹰先生说。   “中国是全球重要农业文化遗产系统计划的创始国之一,对该项目给予了坚定不懈的支持,”参加仪式的粮农组织土地及水利司司处长阿舒里说。  
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