
Resource Partners
05 Nov 2020
今天,联合国粮农组织正式启动"粮食联盟",为努力防止新冠疫情引发全球粮食危机的协同行动注入了新的动力。 "粮食联盟"将"联结各类网络",欢迎各利益相关方和跨领域联盟自愿参与,支持创新举措,以保障全球粮食获取,推动以可持续方式增强农业粮食体系抵御力。"粮食联盟"由意大利政府发起,获得了超过30个国家的积极响应。联盟将支持现有和新发起的工作,协助克服疫情影响,帮助各国走上实现2030年可持续发展目标的正轨,尤其将确保消除饥饿与贫困的两大目标如期实现。
Parliamentary alliances
05 Nov 2020
Santiago de Chile - El Representante Regional de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO), Julio Berdegué, instó a los parlamentos de América Latina y el Caribe a poner la alimentación en lo más alto de sus agendas legislativas, para enfrentar los efectos de la pandemia sobre la nutrición y la seguridad alimentaria. “El tema de la alimentación no está siendo incluido en los programas de recuperación del COVID 19 de los países de la región con la fuerza suficiente. Sugerimos muy respetuosamente que estos temas sean parte del diálogo en los parlamentos”, dijo Berdegué. Esta...
Private Sector
02 Nov 2020
对很多人来说,牙买加姜汁啤酒、姜茶或姜饼干是家中常备的食品。这一加勒比海岛屿生产的生姜气味强劲而浓郁,一直以来在全球享有盛誉。而如今,该产业却遭受着严峻的挑战。生姜根腐病多年来对岛内生姜生产造成了巨大破坏,许多农民甚至集体停止种植生姜。2015至2018年期间,这一病害来势汹汹,导致牙买加生姜减产近一半。然而,来自公共和私营部门的一群粮食英雄成立了生姜工作组,他们共同致力于产业振兴,帮助牙买加生姜赢回在国际市场的主导地位。牙买加生姜重返辉煌在粮农组织的帮助下,生姜工作组制定了产业复苏长期战略。迄今为止,工作组最大的成就是引进了商业认证项目。该项目可确保牙买加生姜产品的产量、品质与多样性,为本地和国际买家提供保障和激励。商业认证项目有两大益处。首先,项目要求种姜农民使用干净无病的种植材料,通过良好实践尽量降低植物生长期患病的可能。疫病大面积传播的主要原因是牙买加许多农民无意中将患病生姜种在了农场。新的认证项目可确保种植材料是无病的,并督促参与项目的苗圃和农场按照安全协议进行认证产品的生产,从而实现全程各环节发病率最小化。其次,认证项目可保证生姜的品质和来源,提升买家的信心和在全球市场的价值。如今,项目打算将可追溯体系纳入证书,以进一步提升买家信心。“通过打造附带可追溯体系的认证项目,我们将知道是谁购买了我们的产品,我们也能正式推出牙买加生姜品牌,构建利基市场,让道地的产品卖出好价钱。价值链上的每个人都将获益。”生姜工作组主席Michelle Sherwood女士说道。
27 Oct 2020
Composed by thirteen Member States from the Mediterranean region, the International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM) is an intergovernmental organization sharing common objectives with FAO. The long history of collaborations between the two organizations initiated in 1977 when the first joint activities started to be implemented. After years of interactions, a further step was accomplished in 2009 with the signature of a framework agreement focusing on areas such as traditional foods, forests’ protection, irrigation, plant disease management and quarantine measures. In 2015, the...
South-south Cooperation
23 Oct 2020
This year marks the 75th anniversary of the creation of the United Nations and what better way to showcase South-South and Triangular cooperation achievements, than with a compilation of good practices on how SSTC is being leveraged to support the efforts of countries to accelerate the progress towards the attainment of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). About a month ago, the UN Office of South-South and Triangular Cooperation (UNOSSC) launched its volume three of “Good Practices in South-South and Triangular Cooperation for Sustainable Development”. This volume features 195 good practices, obtained by 77 partners including Member States,...