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Comité Coordinador Regional del Codex para Europa (CCEURO) - Coordinador regional: Germany

En 1964, en su segundo período de sesiones, la Comisión del Codex Alimentarius estableció el Comité Coordinador para Europa, que sucedería al “Consejo Europeo del Codex Alimentarius” y sustituiría al "Grupo Consultivo para Europa", creado en su primer período de sesiones en 1963.

La primera reunión del Comité Coordinador para Europa se celebró en julio de 1965 en Berna (Suiza) y a ella asistieron 16 países de la región.

El coordinador actual, Alemania, tiene su sede en el Ministerio Federal de Alimentación y Agricultura (BMEL).

Las prioridades fundamentales de Alemania como coordinador son las siguientes:

  • reducir los obstáculos a la participación activa de los miembros de la región en los trabajos del Codex;
  • aumentar la sensibilización sobre el papel del Codex y de la inocuidad de los alimentos en general en la transición hacia sistemas alimentarios sostenibles;
  • promover el uso de las normas del Codex en los ámbitos prioritarios como la resistencia a los antimicrobianos (RAM).

Con el fin de abordar estas prioridades, el coordinador aprovechará las sinergias de las actividades internacionales y regionales de la Secretaría del Codex, la FAO y la OMS, así como de los observadores del Codex.


Noticias de la región

"Safety is an illusion without certainty" - Attila Nagy chairs CCMAS

As the Codex Committee on Methods of Analysis and Sampling (CCMAS) begins in Budapest, we spoke to Attila Nagy who takes over as Chairperson at this session. A veterinarian and microbiologist, in November 2018 Attila was appointed Director of the newly established Food Chain Safety Laboratory Directorate in Hungary. Attila, thanks for your time. You were born just two years after Hungary started hosting CCMAS. What, in your view, are the three major changes in analytical methods that have taken place [...]
27 May 2019

Coordinator for Europe in Armenia and Moldova to promote participation in Codex

A delegation led by the Codex Alimentarius Regional Coordinator for Europe, Nailya Karsybekova, visited the Republic of Armenia from 29 to 30 April and the Republic of Moldova on May 2 and 3, to enhance participation of these countries in Codex. During the mission, meetings were held at the Ministries of Agriculture, Ministries of Health, the Inspection Bodies for Food Safety, and at the FAO and WHO Country Offices. "The visits to Armenia and Moldova provided an opportunity to meet top-level [...]
16 May 2019

Kazakhstan pushes to enhance regional potential

The Codex European region comprises 52 countries with widely diverse economic, historic and climatic backgrounds as well as differing levels of experience in engaging with Codex. Many countries in the region joined Codex in the early 1960s at the birth of the Codex Alimentarius and some, especially from the East European region only became members since 2000. One of these is Kazakhstan, a Codex member since 2003, now leads the region as Regional Coordinator. From 4 to 8 February 2019 a [...]
01 March 2019

Workshop in Azerbaijan reveals ideal mix for National Codex Committee

Participants gathered in Baku, Azerbaijan, from 6 to 7 February 2019 for a workshop entitled “Improving National Codex Capacities”, jointly organized by FAO and the Food Safety Agency of Azerbaijan (AFSA). National food control systems in Azerbaijan are undergoing significant change including the establishment of AFSA and the finalization of a food law. “FAO is responding to the request of the Food Safety Agency of Azerbaijan for support to strengthen the food safety control system, and develop national Codex activities”, said [...]
20 February 2019

Workshop in Europe focuses on Codex Strategic Plan and web tools

Codex Members in the Europe region began a three-day meeting in Almaty, Kazakhstan today to improve their skills and knowledge of the online tools used by the food standard-setting partnership and to discuss the regional priorities to propose including in the Codex Strategic Plan (2020-2025). Zhandarbek Bekshin of the Ministry of Health of Kazakhstan, the country leading the Codex Coordinating Committee for Europe, opened the session with a call for establishing a joint position on food trade-related matters in the 51 [...]
07 November 2018

Workshop in Portugal boosts agri-food interest in Codex

A seminar, "Codex Alimentarius in Portugal", was held on 22 June in Lisbon for agri-food sector experts, public and private, including competent authorities and public bodies, associations of different production chains, universities and laboratories. Issues related to Portuguese participation in the elaboration of EU positions in Codex were discussed, with the division of competences between EU Member States and the European Commission. The main issues under discussion in each of the 19 Codex Committees were also presented by the different national [...]
08 August 2018

News from the Regional Coordinator for Europe (Kazakhstan)

One role of the regional coordinators in Codex is to bring to the attention of the wider Codex community topics of particular interest emerging from their regions relating to food safety and quality standards or trade. In a historic first for Codex, an Eastern European country — Kazakhstan — has taken the reins of the FAO/WHO Regional Coordinating Committee for Europe (CCEURO), as Regional Coordinator for Europe. Regional standard for mare’s milk Several meetings took place in 2017 with a producer of [...]
05 February 2018

Lisbon workshop raises awareness on full stakeholder engagement in Codex

On January 9, 2018, a training course was held in Lisbon, Portugal, with the objective to reorganize and strengthen the participation of national representatives of  different committees in Codex work, as well as, to raise awareness concerning the need to engage all stakeholder groups (Non-governmental organizations, consumer organizations and industry associations) and partners (Ministry of science, health, trade and foreign affairs) in Codex work. This training was organized and conducted by the General Directorate for Food and Veterinary / Food Safety [...]
18 January 2018

Working together to build national Codex capacity in Bishkek

On November 28, 2017, a workshop took place in Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic to raise awareness about the importance of the work of Codex for members of Parliament and high level government employees. This workshop was organized and conducted by the Center for Standardization and Metrology under the Ministry of Economy of the Kyrgyz Republic in cooperation with the WHO country office The meeting was also supported by the FAO/WHO Codex Trust Fund as part of the Kyrgyz project on improvement of [...]
29 November 2017

New Chair for CCMAS Dr Marót Hibbey

On Monday 8th May the Codex Committee on Methods of Analysis and Sampling holds its 38th session in Budapest Hungary. Dr Marót Hibbey will chair the meeting for the first time and ahead of the meeting he took part in a Question and Answer session. Dr Marót Hibbey Q1 This meeting will be your first as Chair, can you tell us a little about your professional and personal background? I graduated as a vet in the Szent István University of Veterinary Sciences in Budapest, and [...]
06 May 2017
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Coordinador de CCEURO

Toda la información relativa al Codex es pública y gratuita.

Para consultas regionales, comuníquese con:

Secretaría de CCEURO

Ministerio Federal de Alimentación y Agricultura de Alemania
Wilhelmstrasse 54, 10117 Berlín (Alemania)
Tel.: +49 30 18 529 4065

Correo electrónico: [email protected]