En 1964, en su segundo período de sesiones, la Comisión del Codex Alimentarius estableció el Comité Coordinador para Europa, que sucedería al “Consejo Europeo del Codex Alimentarius” y sustituiría al "Grupo Consultivo para Europa", creado en su primer período de sesiones en 1963.
La primera reunión del Comité Coordinador para Europa se celebró en julio de 1965 en Berna (Suiza) y a ella asistieron 16 países de la región.
El coordinador actual, Alemania, tiene su sede en el Ministerio Federal de Alimentación y Agricultura (BMEL).
Las prioridades fundamentales de Alemania como coordinador son las siguientes:
- reducir los obstáculos a la participación activa de los miembros de la región en los trabajos del Codex;
- aumentar la sensibilización sobre el papel del Codex y de la inocuidad de los alimentos en general en la transición hacia sistemas alimentarios sostenibles;
- promover el uso de las normas del Codex en los ámbitos prioritarios como la resistencia a los antimicrobianos (RAM).
Con el fin de abordar estas prioridades, el coordinador aprovechará las sinergias de las actividades internacionales y regionales de la Secretaría del Codex, la FAO y la OMS, así como de los observadores del Codex.
The Islamic Organization for Food Security (IOFS) has organized an Expert Meeting for Healthy and Safe Food and a video to celebrate World Food Safety Day on 7 June.
The event is organized in cooperation with the Kazakh Agro Technical University, named after S.Seifullin, in Astana, Kazakhstan. Experts from seven countries will participate in the session: Kazakakhstan, Sultanate of Oman, Pakistan, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Türkiye, Tajikistan.
The keynote speakers at the event will be Director General of the IOFS, Professor Yerlan [...]
To celebrate "World Food Safety Day" Ainia, a Spanish food safety training organization, will take a comparative look at Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) and Preventive Controls, with a focus on food safety in different areas of the world, for example, the European Union and the United States of America.
The event will present the main food regulations and their importance in food safety, compare different food safety management systems and the benefits of their application and explain the [...]
Alcobaça City Council in Portugal will mark World Food Safety Day by holding information sessions and a game about the five keys to safer food in two primary schools, with children from 6 to 10 years old. The events will take place on the morning of 7 June and will teach the children about good food handling practices and why they are important.
The event is entitled "five keys that save lives" and will be conducted by engineer Ana Pereira and [...]
FAO Representation in Armenia is organizing a conference to mark World Food Safety Day in Yerevan. The event will be organized in partnership with the Ministry of Economy of Armenia and the Strategic Development Agency NGO. Under the theme "Food Standards Save Lives," the event will highlight the critical role of food standards in ensuring public health and promoting safe trade practices. As we also mark the 60th anniversary of the Codex Alimentarius Commission this year, a special reference will [...]
Professor Parvez Haris of De Montfort University in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland will give a World Food Safety Day lecture on arsenic in rice and whether quinoa can be a healthier and safer alternative.
For many years Professor Haris has been carrying out research on rice, especially focusing on its essential and toxic element composition [1-3]. According to Haris, the research with populations in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Bangladesh revealed [...]
The Royal Society for Public Health in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland has organized a World Food Safety Day event entitled “Listeria: legislation, the law and food practices”.
This in-person conference will take place in Birmingham and is aimed at enforcement officers, food safety managers, food manufacturers, food business owners and anybody with an interest in food safety. Chaired by Professor Lisa Ackerley, Director of Public Health and Hygiene Engagement at Reckitt Benckiser, and Kathryn Gilbertson, partner [...]
Under the title, “Food standards in a scientific and sustainable environment” FEDALCYTA (Federation of Food Science and Technology Associations), in collaboration with the Torribera Food Campus of the University of Barcelona, have organized an online seminar to participate in World Food Safety Day.
The event coincides with the European Green Week and the European Year of Skills. Member associations (ACTAE, ACYTAEX, Associació Catalana de CTA and ATECTA-Aragón) will use this event to explore the importance of addressing food safety from a [...]
Denmark’s Agriculture and Food Council, together with Food Nation, the government’s “gateway to information about the Danish agriculture and the food sector” will celebrate World Food Safety Day this year to discuss how the Danish food sector can “continuously assess, test and innovate their products”.
The online event is aimed at “key people within food safety, innovation and marketing”.
Date: 7 JuneTime: 10.00–12.00 hours (CEST)
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Hospital caterers in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland will be celebrating World Food Safety Day this year in a food safety study day that will take place in the town of Basingstoke in England.
The local “Wessex” branch of the national Hospital Caterers Association is organizing a physical day-long event for members and non-members to discuss “this fundamental and important aspect of patient, staff and customer feeding”. There will be a series of speakers plus a panel [...]
The agro-industrial technical institute, ADRIA, in France is planning for its 20th annual agrifood industry (IAA) quality managers meeting, le Rendez-vous des managers de la qualité en IAA, to fall on World Food Safety Day this year.
The two-day event will take place on 7 and 8 June in Rennes and will afford participants the opportunity of discussing the latest developments in the field of quality management.
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