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Comité del Codex sobre Métodos de Análisis y Toma de Muestras (CCMAS)

Signatura del documento:CX/MAS
Mandato:(a) Definir los criterios apropiados para los métodos de análisis y muestreo del Codex;
(b) actuar de órgano coordinador del Codex con otros grupos internacionales que se ocupan de métodos de análisis, muestreo y sistemas de garantía de la calidad de los laboratorios;
(c) especificar, teniendo en cuenta las recomendaciones definitivas que le presenten los otros órganos mencionados en (b) supra, métodos de referencia para análisis y muestreo que sean apropiados para las normas del Codex y, en general, aplicables a varios alimentos;
(d) examinar, enmendar si es necesario, y ratificar, según proceda, los proyectos de métodos de análisis y muestreo propuestos por los Comités sobre productos del Codex, con la salvedad de que los métodos de análisis y muestreo para residuos de plaguicidas o de medicamentos veterinarios en los alimentos, la evaluación de la calidad microbiológica e inocuidad de los alimentos, y la evaluación de especificaciones de aditivos alimentarios no corresponden al mandato de este Comité;
(e) elaborar, según sea necesario, planes y procedimientos de muestreo;
(f) examinar problemas específicos de muestreo y análisis que le encomienden la Comisión o cualquiera de sus Comités;
(g) formular procedimientos, protocolos, directrices o textos afines para evaluar la competencia de los laboratorios que analizan alimentos y determinar sistemas de garantía de calidad de los laboratorios.
Gobierno hospedante:Hungría

Cartas circulares conexas

Código Publicada Titulo Plazo EN FR ES AR ZH RU
CL 2010/06-MAS02/10Distribution of the Report of the 31st Session of the Codex Committee on Methods of Analysis and Sampling14/05/2010
CL 2010/49-MAS08/10Draft Revised Guidelines on Measurement Uncertainty (at Step 6)29/12/2010
CL 2011/03-MAS02/11Distribution of the Report of the 32nd Session of the Codex Committee on Methods of Analysis and Sampling (REP11/MAS)14/05/2011
CL 2012/04-MAS02/12Distribution of the Report of the Thirty-third Session of the Codex Committee on Methods of Analysis and Sampling (REP12/MAS). Part A - Matters for adoption by the 35th Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission 14/05/2012
CL 2012/33-MAS10/12Request for comments at Step 6: Draft Principles for the Use of Sampling and Testing in International Food Trade (section on Principles)14/01/2013
CL 2013/06-MAS02/13Distribution of the Report of the 34th Session of the Codex Committee on Methods of Analysis and Sampling (REP13/MAS)14/05/2013
CL 2015/06-MAS03/15Distribución del informe de la 36.ª reunión del Comité del Codex sobre Métodos de Análisis y Toma de Muestras (REP15/MAS)30/05/2015
CL 2016/04-MAS03/16Distribución del informe de la 37.ª reunión del Comité del Codex sobre Métodos de Análisis y Toma de Muestras (REP16/MAS)30/05/2016
CL 2017/05-MAS01/17Request for Comments on the Practical Examples of Sampling Plans15/03/2017
CL 2017/04-MAS03/17Request for comments on the proposed preamble and structure of CODEX STAN 234-199921/04/2017
CL 2017/65/OCS-MAS06/17Request for comments on Methods of analysis for provisions in Codex standards (for inclusion in CODEX STAN 234-1999)15/06/2017
CL 2017/66/OCS-MAS06/17Request for comments on the Amendments to the Procedural Manual15/06/2017
CL 2018/18/OCS-MAS03/18Request for Comments on the Revision of the Recommended Methods of CODEX STAN 234/ review and update of CODEX STAN 23407/04/2018
CL 2018/34/OCS-MAS05/18Request for comments on methods of analysis for inclusion in the Recommended Methods of Analysis and Sampling (CXS 234-1999)15/06/2018
CL 2019/16-MAS03/19Request for comments at Step 3 on the revision of the Guidelines on measurement uncertainty (CXG 54-2004)30/04/2019
CL 2019/15-MAS03/19Request for comments at Step 3 on the revision of the CXS 234-1999: preamble and structure30/04/2019
CL 2019/17-MAS04/19Request for comments: revision of the General Guidelines on Sampling (CXG 50 - 2004)30/04/2019
CL 2019/59/OCS-MAS06/19Request for Comments methods of analysis for inclusion in the General Standard for Methods of Analysis and Sampling (CXS 234 – 1999)30/06/2019
CL 2019/60/OCS-MAS06/19Request for Comments at Step 5/8 on proposed draft preamble and document structure of the General Standard for Methods of Analysis and Sampling (CXS 234 – 1999)30/06/2019
CL 2019/61/OCS-MAS06/19Request for Comments at Step 5 on proposed draft revision of the Guidelines on Measurement Uncertainty (CXG 54 – 2004)30/06/2019
CL 2019/80/OCS-MAS07/19Request for comments at Step 6 on the draft revised Guidelines on Measurement Uncertainty31/01/2020
CL 2020/27/OCS-MAS03/20Request for comments at Step 3 on the proposed draft revised General Guidelines on Sampling 31/05/2020
CL 2020/29/OCS-MAS03/20Request for comments: review of CXS 234: dairy package and fats and oils package30/06/2020
CL 2020/31/OCS-MAS05/20Solicitud de observaciones sobre: i) Proyecto de revisión de las Directrices sobre la incertidumbre en la medición; ii) Documento de información sobre los procedimientos para la estimación de la incertidumbre en la medición, y iii) criterios para seleccionar métodos de Tipo II de varios métodos de Tipo III15/01/2021
CL 2021/10/OCS-MAS03/21Request for comments at Step 3 on the proposed draft revised General Guidelines on Sampling (CXG50-2004) and its supporting documents28/04/2021
CL 2021/60/OCS-MAS07/21Request for comments on: (i) methods of analysis / performance criteria; (ii) The revised Guidelines on Measurement Uncertainty (CXG54-2004) (at Step 8); and (iii) The General Guidelines for Sampling (CXG50-2004) (at Step 5) 10/09/2021
CL 2022/23/OCS-MAS03/22Request for comments on the rules for the selection of Type II methods from multiple Type III methods30/06/2022
CL 2022/44-MAS06/22Request for comments: review of methods: cereals, pulses and legumes01/08/2022
CL 2022/60/OCS-MAS09/22Review of CXS 234 - 1999: Request for comments on the fats and oils workable package03/02/2023
CL 2023/13-MAS03/23Request for comments on the cereals, pulses and legumes workable package: review of CXS 23424/05/2023
CL 2023/14-MAS04/23Request for information on the Information document to support the Guidelines on Measurement Uncertainty26/05/2023
CL 2023/15-MAS03/23Request for comments on the General Guidelines on Sampling31/05/2023
CL 2023/48/OCS-MAS04/23Request for comments on the processed fruits and vegetables workable package: Review of CXS 23426/05/2023
CL 2024/08-MAS01/24Request for information relating to methods of analysis / examples of methods of analysis31/03/2024
CL 2024/14-MAS03/24Request for comments on the cereals, pulses and legumes workable package: review of CXS 23415/04/2024
CL 2024/15-MAS02/24Request for comments on the fish and fishery products workable package: review of CXS 23415/04/2024
CL 2024/16-MAS03/24Request for comments on the Information document: General Guidelines on Sampling (CXG 50-2004) 22/04/2024
CL 2024/18-MAS04/24Request for comments on endorsement of the methods of analysis for CCSCH7 and CCFO28 and the performance criteria for processed fruits and vegetables03/05/2024