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Comité Coordinador FAO/OMS para África
05/09/2022 - 09/09/2022 | Virtual, Uganda

The 24th Session of the FAO/WHO Coordinating Committee for Africa is scheduled to take place from 5 to 9 September 2022 with report adoption on 13 September 2022. The session will be held virtually from 13:00 – 16:00 CET.

The opening session will begin at 13.00 hours CET on Monday, 5 September 2022. Sessions will take place on 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 September 2022 from 13.00 to 16.00 hours CET. The adoption of the report will take place on Tuesday, 13 September 2022 from 13.00 to 16.00 hours CET

The session will be conducted in English, French, and Portuguese. The working documents will be issued in English and French only.
The provisional timetable for the session is available here.

The Codex Secretariat has prepared a guidance for Members and Observers to facilitate the smooth running of CCAFRICA24. The Codex Secretariat has prepared a guidance for Members and Observers to facilitate the smooth running of Codex virtual meetings. Codex members and observers participating in the upcoming virtual meeting are kindly invited to consult the Information for Delegates webpage and in particular to read the Guidance to participants of virtual meetings available in English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese and Russian.

Draft Guidelines for Developing Harmonized Food Safety Legislation for the Region and the Regional Standard for Dried Meat - 19 May

This webinar will provide an update and progress regarding ongoing work in the region on draft guidelines for developing harmonized food safety legislation for the region that were recently circulated for comments at Step 3 as well as on the draft regional standard for dried meat currently at Step 7.

Webinar details and programme are available here in English and French

Pre-CCAFRICA 24 webinar – 30th August 2022, 12:00 -13:30 CEST

Join this event to get up to date information from the Chairperson and Codex Secretariat on how you can be an active participant to CCAFRICA24. This event will be very useful for first-time delegates as well as a refresher for returning delegates on how to operate successfully in a virtual Codex Session.

Download the programme here.
Register directly here

All participants should provide their information (names and addresses) through the Online Registration System by accessing the link below, latest by 48 hours in advance of the start of the plenary meeting i.e. 3rd September 12:00 CET.

Login and password for the online registration to the plenary meeting and the meetings of the working groups have been provided to all Codex Contact Points of Member Countries and Observer Organizations. If the login and password have not been received, please contact [email protected]

Provisional TimeTable

Pre-CCAFRICA 24 webinar

Documentos relacionados

TemaDescripciónFecha de carga
Documento de referencia
5Proposed draft Guidelines for developing harmonized Food Safety Legislation for CCAFRICA Region22/03/2022
CX/AFRICA 22/24/05
4Draft Regional Standard for dried meat 13/04/2022
CX/AFRICA 22/24/04
10Nomination of the Coordinator21/04/2022
CX/AFRICA 22/24/10
8Food safety and quality situation in the region08/07/2022
CX/AFRICA 22/24/8
3Matters arising from CAC and its subsidiary bodies 21/07/2022
CX/AFRICA 22/24/03
6Discussion Paper on the development of a regional Standard for fermented non-alcoholic cereal-based drinks26/07/2022
CX/AFRICA 22/24/06
7Codex work relevant to the region and its prioritization26/07/2022
CX/AFRICA 22/24/07
9Implementation of the Codex Strategic Plan, 2020-2025, by CCAFRICA 26/07/2022
CX/AFRICA 22/24/09
1Provisional Agenda03/05/2022
CX/AFRICA 22/24/1
2The New Food Safety Strategy for Africa (FSSA), 2022 to 2036 - Executive summary02/09/2022
CX/AFRICA 22/24/2
103Proposed draft guidelines for developing harmonised food safety legislation - Updated by EWG Co-Chairs04/09/2022
110Codex Communication Work Plan – Progress Report (English)04/09/2022
Informe de la 24.ª reunión del CCAFRICA01/11/2022
4.1Comments in reply to CL 2022/04/OCS-CCAFRICA04/07/2022
CX/AFRICA 22/24/04 Add1
5.1Comments in reply to CL 2022/02/OCS-CCAFRICA06/07/2022
CX/AFRICA 22/24/05 Add1
102Comments of Botswana on Agenda Item 303/09/2022
104Comments of Morocco on Agenda Item 403/09/2022
106Comments of the United Republic of Tanzania on Agenda Items 4, 1003/09/2022
107Comments of Burundi on Agenda Items 4, 5, 604/09/2022
108Comments of Senegal on Agenda Items 1, 7, 8, 904/09/2022
109Proposal for New Work on Development of a Standard for Kethiakh and for Tiacry 04/09/2022
105Prepared by the Electronic Working Group chaired by Botswana and co-chaired by Morocco and Kenya on Agenda Item 405/09/2022
111Comments of Uganda on Agenda Item 407/09/2022
112Proposed Revision to the Labelling Provisions for Non Retail Containers 08/09/2022
113Report of the virtual in-session working group - Proposed Draft Guidelines for Developing Harmonized Food Safety Legislation for the CCAFRICA Region08/09/2022
114All files zip collection