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Comité del Codex sobre Etiquetado de los Alimentos
13/05/2019 - 17/05/2019 | Ottawa, Canadá


The 45th Session of the Codex Committee on Food Labelling will be held from May 13th to 17th 2019 in Shaw Centre, Ottawa, Canada.
The Session will begin at 09:30, Monday, May 13th. The Session will be conducted in English, French and Spanish.


All participants should provide their information (names and addresses) through the online registration system by accessing the link below, by 13th April 2019 at the latest.

Login and password for the online registration have been provided to all Codex Contact Points and Codex Point of Observers Organizations. If the login and password have not been received, please contact [email protected]
Only in case of technical difficulty, the registration form should be sent directly to the CCFL Secretariat.


Participants are requested to present themselves in the Rideau Canal Atrium Alcove on the second level of the Shaw Centre to register and retrieve their passes, which are to be worn at all times. Lost passes should be reported immediately to the Canadian Secretariat in person or by email at [email protected].

Registration will take place in the Shaw Centre Rideau Canal Atrium Alcove as follows:
Sunday, May 12, 2019 from 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Monday, May 13, 2019 from 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.


The Physical Working Group on Guidance for the labelling of non-retail containers will be held at the same venue on Sunday, 12 May 2019, from 09:00 – 17:00.


The documents for the session are available in English, French and Spanish and will be placed on the Codex website as soon as they are prepared.
NB! We kindly remind you to obtain all documentation from the Codex website prior to the meeting.

More information are available in the Information for Delegates document in the table here below.

Documentos relacionados

TemaDescripciónFecha de carga
Documento de referencia
1Programa provisional11/12/2018
CX/FL 19/45/1 Rev
0.1Information for delegates12/12/2018
5Anteproyecto de orientación para el etiquetado de los envases no destinados a la venta al por menor06/02/2019
CX/FL 19/45/5
6Anteproyecto de directrices sobre el etiquetado nutricional en la parte frontal del envase 19/02/2019
CX/FL 19/45/6
8Documento de debate para el etiquetado de alérgenos08/03/2019
CX/FL 19/45/8
9Documento de debate sobre innovación: uso de la tecnología en el etiquetado de alimentos 25/03/2019
CX/FL 19/45/9
11Documento de debate sobre los criterios para la definición de descriptores nutricionales relativos al “contenido alto” de grasas, azúcares y sodio 26/03/2019
CX/FL 19/45/11
7Documento de debate sobre ventas por internet y comercio electrónico01/04/2019
CX/FL 19/45/7
2.1Cuestiones remitidas al Comité por la CAC y otros órganos auxiliares del Codex27/03/2019
CX/FA 19/51/2
4.1Examen de las disposiciones sobre etiquetado en los proyectos de normas del Codex (aprobación)29/03/2019
CX/FL 19/45/4
10Documento de debate sobre el etiquetado de bebidas alcohólicas29/04/2019
CX/FL 19/45/10
5.1Proposed draft guidance for the labelling of non-retail containers Replies to CL 2019/13-FL 26/04/2019
CX/FL 19/45/5Add.1
6.1Proposed draft guidelines on front-of-pack nutrition labelling (Replies to CL 2019/14-FL) 26/04/2019
CX/FL 19/45/6 Add.1
3.1Cuestiones de interés planteadas por la FAO y la OMS13/05/2019
CX/FL 19/45/3
13.1Documento de debate sobre futuros trabajos y dirección para el CCFL13/05/2019
CX/FL 19/45/13
12Consideración de asuntos referentes a norma general del codex para el etiquetado de los alimentos preenvasados en presentacion conjunta y alimentos preenvasados multiempacados (documento de debate),07/05/2019
CX/FL 19/45/12
101División de las Competencias entre la UE y sus Estados miembros 11/05/2019
5.2Proposed draft guidance for the labelling of non-retail containers- Replies to CL 2019/1309/05/2019
CX/FL 19/45/5 Add.2
6.2Replies to CL 2019/14-FL07/05/2019
CX/FL 19/45/6 Add.2
105Agenda Item 5 - Comments from Canada, Dominican Republic, FoodDrinkEurope11/05/2019
103Agenda Item 2 - (Dominican Republic, European Union, India, Nigeria, Panama, Thailand, FoodDrinkEurope)12/05/2019
104Agenda Item 4 - Dominican Republic, European Union, India, Malaysia, Nigeria, Thailand, Vietnam, EFLA12/05/2019
106Agenda Item 6 - Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Panama, Thailand, FoodDrinkEurope, FIVS, OIV12/05/2019
107Agenda Item 7 - Dominican Republic, European Union, El Salvador, Thailand, FoodDrinkEurope12/05/2019
109Agenda Item 9 - Dominican Republic, European Union, Thailand, FoodDrinkEurope, FIVS, OIV12/05/2019
110Agenda 10 - Argentina, Dominican Republic, European Union, FoodDrinkEurope, FIVS, OIV12/05/2019
111Agenda Item 11 - EU, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Panama, Republic of Korea, Thailand, FoodDrinkEurope12/05/2019
108Agenda 8 - Argentina, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, European Union, Malaysia, Nicaragua, Panama, Republic of Korea, Thailand, FoodDrinkEurope, FIVS, OIV12/05/2019
114Comments of Indonesia - Agenda Item 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 & 1112/05/2019
112Comments from FoodDrinkEurope, ISDI and WFPHA - Agenda Item 6, 12 and 1312/05/2019
113Agenda Item3-WHO13/05/2019
115Comments of Kenya - Agenda Items 2, 4, 7 & 813/05/2019
117Comments of South Africa - Agenda Items 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 & 1113/05/2019
116Agenda Item 11- Canada and Malaysia13/05/2019
102Report of the Physical Working Group on the proposed draft guidance for the labelling of non-retail containers13/05/2019
118Opening Remarks by Vice-Chair of CAC13/05/2019
119All files zip collection