Food Systems Assessment: Nigeria Country Profile
This Food Systems Profile provides a summary of the main food system issues in Nigeria and highlights potential solutions for their sustainable and inclusive transformation.
Investing in food loss and waste - What's in it for development banks?
Food loss and waste (FLW) is costly for people, the environment and economies, particularly during a time of global uncertainty....
Implications of the war in Ukraine for agrifood trade and food security in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean: Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco and Tunisia
The Russian Federation and Ukraine are major global suppliers of cereals and sunflower oil, while the Russian Federation is also...
Digital technologies in the grain sector of Ukraine
Comprising 30 percent of agricultural output and with an area of 15 million hectares, the grain sector is a pillar...
Funding digital transformation of land administration
Digital transformation involves changing land administration systems from paper to 100 percent digital. It leads to greater activity and better...
Modernizing irrigation in Central Asia
Modernizing irrigation systems in Central Asia could increase the productivity of the irrigation sector to meet growing food and export...
Transforming agriculture in South Sudan. From humanitarian aid to a development oriented growth path
FAO teamed up with the World Bank on this strategic analysis of the investment, policy and institutional support needed to...
RuralInvest: Fostering access to finance for rural entrepreneurs
RuralInvest is a free toolkit designed to support field technicians in their work with entrepreneurs by allowing the systematization and...
Georgia - Agritourism guide to Samtskhe-Javakheti. Places, people, products
The purpose of this book is to better acquaint the general public with the agritourism potential of the Samtskhe-Javakheti region,...
Investing in agricultural water, sustainably: recent trends in financing institutions
Climate change, poverty, inequality, and other disruptive factors are changing the way water is used for agriculture. Although IFI investments...
Expanding Morocco's olive oil market. The role of consumers and industry response
This brief was produced by the Investment Centre of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), based...
Profil des systèmes alimentaires - Côte d'Ivoire
Les systèmes alimentaires sont directement liés à la réalisation de l’ensemble des Objectifs du Développement Durable (ODD). L’impératif – et le défi - pour les systèmes alimentaires n’est pas seulement de produire des aliments pour assurer la sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle, mais aussi de préserver les ressources naturelles et la biodiversité et de contribuer à des moyens d’existence équitables à long terme pour toutes et tous.
Food Systems Assessment: Eswatini Country Profile
This Food Systems Profile provides a summary of the main food system issues in Eswatini and highlights potential solutions for their sustainable and inclusive transformation.
FAO Investment Centre – Annual Review 2021
For almost 60 years, the FAO Investment Centre has helped countries make more and better agrifood investments to reduce poverty,...
Doing business in the time of COVID-19 – Prevention guidelines and recommendations for rural households and their families providing agritourism services in Montenegro
The aim of this brochure is to educate the Montenegrin accommodation providers in rural areas on how to prepare their...
Intégration des marchés de gros et transmission des prix des agrumes au Maroc: Cas des petits fruits
Les marchés de gros des fruits et légumes jouent un rôle fondamental dans le cadre de la mise en marché...
Reducing pandemics risks at source - Wildlife, environment and One Health foundations in East and South Asia
Emerging infectious diseases (EIDs) are infections associated with new or significantly-expanded geographic scope or spread of zoonotic, vector-borne, and drug-resistant...
From reacting to preventing pandemics - Building Animal Health and Wildlife Systems for One Health in East Asia and Pacific
Investing in One Health – cross-sectoral, multidisciplinary coordination and collaboration across the human health, animal health, and environmental health sectors...
Covid-19 coronavirus. Guide des précautions sanitaires pour la continuité et la reprise des activités de la filière oléicole tunisienne.
La FAO et la BERD ont développé ce guide pour guider les opérateurs de la filière oléicole tunisienne dans l’application...
Food Systems Assessment: Mozambique Country Profile
This Food Systems Profile provides a summary of the main food system issues in Mozambique and highlights potential solutions for their sustainable and inclusive transformation.