Agri-hire in sub-Saharan Africa: Business models for investing in sustainable mechanization
There has been a surge in the attention to sustainable agricultural mechanization for Africa. The need to support agricultural mechanization...
The impact of improved land administration in Nicaragua
An impact evaluation of Nicaragua’s Land Administration Programme (PRODEP) finds that the programme ensured gender equality in the access to...
Making climate-sensitive investments in agriculture: approaches, tools and selected experiences
Climate change is a major challenge for agriculture, a vital source of food, income and employment for most of the...
FAO Investment Centre – Annual Review 2020
The FAO Investment Centre provides a wide range of support services to...
Catalysing the sustainable and inclusive transformation of food systems
Since 2020, the EU, FAO and CIRAD have entered into a partnership with governments and food systems actors to initiate...
Potential brewing for Azerbaijani and Georgian tea industries
Although the once booming tea industries in Azerbaijan and Georgia have long been in decline, interest in revitalizing the sector...
Effects of land tenure rights formalization on household investments – The case of PRODEP in Nicaragua
This study analyses the impacts of titling on tenure security, property value, access to credit, and household investments in the...
Atlas tipicne hrane iz Crne Gore. Atlas of typical food from Montenegro
The Atlas of typical food from Montenegro seeks to promote not only the high quality traditional products presented in this...
Developing bankable business plans - A learning guide for forest producers and their organizations
This guide was developed to improve the capacity of small producers, their organizations and small and medium-sized enterprises to access...
Digital Agriculture Profile: Rwanda
Digital technologies are slowly spreading in agriculture sectors globally. But their adoption...
Digital Agriculture Profile: South Africa
Digital technologies are slowly spreading in agriculture sectors globally. But their adoption...
Urban food systems governance
This report presents insights and emerging lessons on food systems governance from the experience of nine cities that have developed...
FAO Investment Centre - 2019 at a glance
Sustainable food systems are key to tackling our most pressing challenges – from ending hunger and poverty to preserving the...
Agrinvest brochure - Responsible investment for a better future
The brochure introduces AgrInvest, a blended finance initiative of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) that...
Farmers and agribusiness at risk under COVID-19: What role for blended finance funds
The COVID-19 pandemic is a major economic shock, throwing into question the...
FAO Investment Centre - Annual Review 2019
FAO’s Investment Centre provides a wide range of investment support services to developing and transition countries. This third annual review...
Small Island Developing States Response to COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic is threatening the food security, nutrition and climate resilience...
Measures for supporting domestic markets during the COVID-19 outbreak in Africa
As COVID-19 reaches a growing number of communities across Africa, governments’ efforts to contain the spread of the virus need...
Measures for supporting wholesale food markets during COVID-19
This brief offers a set of considerations for ways in which local, provincial and national government can collaborate with wholesale...
Study on the State of Agriculture in the Caribbean Region: Annexes
The Annex report is the accomanying document to the main report 'Study on the State of Agriculture in the Caribbean...