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Codex Contact Point
Dr. Anna Kashouli-Kouppari Chief Agricultural Officer Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment, Amfipoleos 6, 2025, Strovolos, Nicosia, Cyprus Tel: +357 22 408314
E-mail: [email protected]

Competent authorities

Name of authority
The Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment (MARDE) and the Ministry of Health (MH).
The Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment (MARDE) and the Ministry of Health (MH), together with their associated control bodies, the Department of Veterinary Services (VS) and the Department of Agriculture (DA) of MARDE, and the Public Health Services (PHS) of the Department of Medical and Public Health Services (DMPHS) of MH, are responsible for almost all controls on food safety, animal health, animal welfare, plant health and quality labelling in Cyprus and also for ensuring compliance with the Union rules in the wine and spirits sectors. The State General Laboratory (SGL) of the MH provides many of the laboratory services required by these bodies. The Veterinary Services are responsible for controls on: animal health and welfare, food of animal origin and composite foods of animal origin (where the ingredients of animal origin are more than 50%) (covering the stages of production and import, and butcheries) from the primary production to before to be placed at the market, imports and exports of live animals and products of animal origin, TSEs and animal by-products, residues of veterinary medicines and slaughterhouses. The DA is responsible for controls on: feeding stuffs, marketing and use of plant protection products, and plant health, and enforcement of Annex I to Regulation (EC) no. 852/2004 on food of non-animal origin at the primary stage of production. Furthermore, the DA is responsible for ensuring compliance with the following fundamental Regulations of the Union: Regulation (EC) no. 1308/2013 of the European Parliament and the Council on the common organization of the market in wine, Regulation (EC) no. 251/2014 of the European Parliament and the Council on the definition, description, presentation, labeling and protection of geographical indications for aromatized wine products, Regulation (EC) no. 2019/787 of the European Parliament and the Council on the definition, presentation and labeling of spirit drinks, the use of the names of spirit drinks in the presentation and labeling of other foodstuffs and the protection of geographical indications for spirit drinks and Regulation (EC) no. 110/2008 of the European Parliament and the Council on the definition, description, presentation, labeling and protection of geographical indications for spirit drinks. The DMPHS is responsible for controls on: food hygiene, food of non-animal origin and composite foods (where the ingredients of animal origin are not more than 50%) throughout the food chain, food of animal origin at the retail stage only, (with the exception of Butchery Shops) GMOs, environmental contaminants and pesticide residues in foodstuffs, imports of food of plant origin, and certain foods of animal origin (honey and ice-cream). Eight of the larger autonomous municipalities also perform food hygiene controls, which is limited to retail establishments and mass catering. The control systems are largely centralised. At regional level, the VS have 5 District Veterinary Offices (DVO), the DA has six District Offices (DO), and the PHS of the DMPHS have five District Health Inspectors’ Offices (DHIO). The Food Safety Board (FSB) is responsible for proposing food safety policies, defining priorities and co-ordinating activities between institutions. All Competent Authorities (CAs) are represented on the board, and it is chaired by the permanent secretary of the MH. Since 1 January 2010, the FSB meets every two months. Main issues discussed include the MANCP, specific issues of risk assessment, emerging risks, and pilot case results for food safety research programmes. The FSB also coordinates the activities of all competent authorities in case of crisis management in Cyprus.
INFOSAN Emergency Contact Point
The Head of the PHS is the Emergency contact point responsible for INFOSAN. Cyprus as an EU Member State (M.S.) participates in the Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF). The Head of the PHS is also the national contact point for the RASFF. He organized a team (NCP team) which disseminates all the information coming from the Commission (ECCP RASFF) to the other national Competent Authorities through dedicated contact points and in case where a notification has to be submitted from Cyprus, the NCP Team receives the notification from the cooperating competent authority and forwards them to the ECCP RASFF. When a third country is involved in a RASFF notification, the RASFF system provides the potential to its users to classify the notification as an INFOSAN concern and the ECCP RASFF informs INFOSAN.

The national Codex programme

National Codex consultative mechanism
The National Contact Point for Codex chairs and coordinates a National Codex Network that comprises of Contact points from all national Competent Authorities involved in Codex matters. Each Codex Committee is assigned to one or more of these contact points. Each competent authority is in turn in charge of the consultative mechanism for the Codex programme of work, in cooperation with the private sector, scientific community and consumers.
Providers of scientific and technical input to national consultation on Codex
The National Competent Authorities are the main stakeholders providing core scientific and technical input during national consultation on Codex work.

Risk Assessments and Scientific Data

National bodies providing risk assessment and scientific advice
EFSA – EC - JRC The State General Laboratory The Food Safety Council The International Organization for Vine and Wine (OIV)
Risk assessment, risk profiles, scientific opinions
Internal case by case risk assessment not available to public domain. EFSA (PRIMo – Pesticide Residue Intake Model). EFSA opinions Under construction Risk evaluation of chemical contaminants and food additives in food in the context of RASFF notifications The Knowledge junction website: Please see the following links: 1.; Risk assessment of the dietary intake of aspartame, benzoates and sulphites-bisulphites in Cyprus and the relevant uncertain\ 2.; Occurrence of Aspartame in Foodstuffs in Cyprus and Relevant Risk Assessment 3.; Risk assessment of cadmium in the Cypriot adolescent population 4.; Risk assessment of the dietary intake of lead, cadmium, mercury and nitrates in Cyprus and the relevant uncertainty 5.; Developments in methodologies of exposure assessment to chemical contaminants in food at EU & EFSA and risk assessment of lead in Cyprus 6.; Dietary Risk Assessment of PAHs for the adolescents in Cyprus and the relevant uncertainty 7.; Dietary Risk Assessment of Nitrates in Cyprus and the relevant uncertainties 8.; Dietary risk assessment for Aflatoxin B1 in Cyprus with the use of ImproRisk model 9.; Dietary Exposure Assessment of Aflatoxin B1 at FoodEx Level 3 vs Level 2 10.; Dietary Risk Assessment of Acrylamide in Cyprus and the relevant uncertainties
Official Laboratory
a)The State General Laboratory b)The State General Laboratory c)Veterinary Laboratories-Laboratory of Control of Food of Animal Origin d)The Analytical Laboratories Section and the Oenological Laboratory e)1)Food Composition, Food Quality and Nutritional Value (Lab 1) 2) General Water Analysis (Lab 2) 3) Veterinary Drug Residues (Lab 5) 4) Environmental Water Contamination (Lab 6) 5) Pesticide Residues & POPs (Lab 8) 6) Food and Environmental Radionuclide (Lab 9) 7) Articles in Contact with Food and Safety of Toys (Lab 12) 8) Food Additives and Special Analyses of Food (Lab 13) 9) Environmental and Other Food Contamination & Natural Toxins (Lab 14) 10) Water and Drug Microbiology (Lab 15) 11) Food Microbiology (Lab 16) 12) Food Customs Control and Other Samples (Lab 17) 13) Cosmetics and Food Supplements (Lab 19) 14) Food Authenticity - NMR (Lab 20) 15) Food Molecular Biology and Immunology (Lab 21)
Official Competence
a)Public Health Services b)PHMSAP Sector c)Veterinary Services d)DA e)1)-15) State General Laboratory

Surveillance of foodborne diseases and monitoring of food contamination

National surveillance systems – foodborne disease in humans
The National Surveillance System keeps data on notifiable diseases and reports to ECDC as well to EFSA, foodborne outbreaks on an annual basis. WHO/ UNICEF joint reporting form on foodborne diseases
National monitoring systems – foodborne hazards in the food chain
RASFF – Administrative assistance and Cooperation (AAC) - INFOSAN Official Controls Sampling programmes Consumer complaints The NATIONAL CONTROL PLANS prepared annually in cooperation with the National Food Competent Authorities: