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Codex Contact Point
Dr. Francisco Santos, Head of Public Health Division, Ministry of Agriculture and Sea, Direção Geral de Alimentação e Veterinária, Largo da Academia Nacional das Belas Artes, nº 2. 1249-105 Lisboa, Portugal Tel: +351 214 767 490
E-mail: [email protected]

Competent authorities

Name of authority
General Directorate for Food and Veterinary Affairs (Direção Geral de Alimentação e Veterinária) Campo Grande, 50 1700-093 Lisboa, PORTUGAL Tlf.: 213 239 500
The General Directorate of Food and Veterinary Affairs (DGAV) is responsible for the definition, implementation and evaluation of policies on food safety, animal protection and animal health, plant protection and plant health, being invested in the functions of national sanitary veterinary and phytosanitary authority, of national authority for veterinary medicinal products and of the authority responsible for the management of the food safety system. Link to website
INFOSAN Emergency Contact Point
The INFOSAN Emergency contact point responsible for food safety emergencies is: [email protected] and [email protected]

The national Codex programme

National Codex consultative mechanism
The Codex National Contact Point (NCP) is responsible for the distribution of the working documents to the different national committee representatives and to the interested stakeholders (government, sectoral associations, Universities and consumer association). The NCP, collects all the opinions and, in specific situations promote physical meetings to discuss the national position. The committee representative receives all the contributions and draws up a project of national position based on the observations of the consultation. The national position is agreed with the heads of the units which are engaged in codex work and transmitted to the European council and the European Commission. The national position is afterword agreed with the other Member States of the European Union.
Providers of scientific and technical input to national consultation on Codex
DGAV - General Directorate of Food and Veterinary;  DSSA-Department for Food Safety;  DSMDS- Department for Management and Authorization of Phytofarmaceuticals and Veterinary Medicines;  DSNA-Department for Nutrition and Food;  DSECI-Department for Strategy, Planning, Communication and market access; DGPA-General Directorate of Fisheries and Aquaculture; GPP- Ministry of Agriculture Office for Planning, Policy and General Administration; INIAV- National Institute for Agriculture and Veterinary Research. ASAE – Economic and Food Safety Authority; ISA- University of Lisbon, Agronomic sciences Institute; FMV - University of Lisbon, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine; INSA – National Institute of Health Doctor Ricardo Jorge CAP – Confederation of Portuguese Farmers AIP - Portuguese Association for Industry AIB - Portuguese Association for Cod Industry; ACOPE – Portuguese Association of Fish and fishery products retailers ALIF- Food Industry and cold stores Association; FRINA-Domestic Refrigerators Association; ANCIPA-National Association of Retailers and Producers of Food Products; FIPA – Portuguese Federation of Food and Agriculture Industry ANIL – National Association for Milk Industry FENELAC – Portuguese Federation for the Milk Producers ACICO – Portuguese Association of wholesalers, retailers and importers of cereals and oleaginous grains AICC – Portuguese Association of Industry and marketers of Coffee APED - Portuguese Association of retailers ANICP - Portuguese Association of industrial canned fish AMECAR – Portuguese Association for Slaughterhouses and meat operators APIC - Portuguese Association of Meat Industries ARESP - Portuguese Association for Hotels, Restaurants and similar Casa do Azeite – Portuguese Association for olive oil industry ANAZEI – Portuguese Association for Olive oil producers ACIP - Association of Commerce and Industry of Bakery, Pastry and Related Products AGROBIO - Portuguese Association of Organic Agriculture AIT - Portuguese Association for Tomato Industry ANAPO - Portuguese Association for egg producers ANCAVE - National Association of Slaughterhouses and Meat Processing Industries FEPASA - Portuguese Federation for Aviculture Associations ANIA - Portuguese Association for Rice Industries ANIGA - Portuguese Association for Icecream Industries ANIRSF - National Association of Soft Drink and Fruit Juice Manufacturers

Risk Assessments and Scientific Data

National bodies providing risk assessment and scientific advice
Economic and Food Safety Authority (ASAE) has, among others, the assigned mission, to collect and analyze data to allow the characterization and risks assessment that have direct or indirect impact, in the food safety, ensuring a transparent communication to the public about risks and promoting the dissemination of information on food safety for consumers. In this context, ASAE is the national liaison body with its similar entities in European and international level, through the appointment as the focal point of the EFSA on scientific and technical matters. At European level, EFSA, supports the Member States of the EU with the risk assessment.
Risk assessment, risk profiles, scientific opinions
Please find the requested information in the following websites Link: Link:
Official Laboratory
INIAV, IP UEISTSA (National Institute for Agricultural and Veterinary Research, I. P.)
IPMA (Portuguese Institute of Ocean and Atmosphere)
LRVSA (Regional Veterinary and Food Safety Laboratory of Regional Directorate of Agriculture and Rural Development, Madeira
Veterinary Regional Laboratory in Autonomous Region of Azores
INSA - National Institute of Health Doctor Ricardo Jorge
ASAE (Economic and Food Safety Authority)
Superior School of Biotechnology
Agência de Salut Pública de Barcelona (Espanha); CATIM - Centre for Technological Support to Industry Metalomecânica- Testing Laboratory (CATIM - LE) (L0009); Vocational Training Centre of the Ceramics Industry - Laboratory (CENCAL - LAB) (L0008); National Packing- Laboratory Centre (NEC - LAB) (L0005); Cork Technology Centre - Laboratory (CTCOR) (L0089); CTCV - Technological Center for Ceramics and glass-Materials Analysis Laboratory (CTCV - LAM) (L0022); Fera Science Limited; LABIAGRO - Chemical Laboratory, Agrifood and Microbiological Ltd (LABIAGRO) (L0298); Regional Directorate of Agriculture and Rural Development - Regional Veterinary and Food Safety Laboratory (DRADR Wood - LRVSA) (L0509); IST (Instituto Superior Técnico) -Protection Laboratory and Radiological Safety (IST - LPSR) (L0620); LGC Limited - (UK); NEOTRON S.p.A. - (Italy); Regional Secretariat for Agriculture and the Environment - Regional Agricultural Development Directorate - Regional Veterinary Laboratory (SRAA-DRA – LRV) (L0520); Portuguese Catholic University - School of Biotechnology - Laboratories (UCP-ESB - LABS) (L0147)
Official Competence
Antimicrobial Resistance, Milk and milk products; Zoonoses (salmonelas) S. pullorum, S.gallinarum S.arizonae; Listeria monocytogenes; Coagulase positive staphylococci, included Staphylococcus aureus; Escherichia coli, including E. coli verotoxin (VTEC); Campylobacter; animal proteins in animal feed; Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs); Residues of veterinary medicines and contaminants in feed; Heavy metals in feed and foodstuffs; Mycotoxins; Bovine tuberculosis; Brucellosis; Trichinellosis; Echinococcosis; Anisaquiose
Marine biotoxins; Water classification, Control of bacterial and viral contamination of bivalve molluscs; Heavy metals in fish and fishery products, Microbiology in fish and fishery products
Pesticide residues
Microbiology, Bacteriology and Chemical residues and contaminants
Microbiology, Bacteriology
Dioxins and PCBs in feed and foodstuffs; Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs); Mycotoxins, Processing Contaminants
Food Contact Materials
Food safety in general

Surveillance of foodborne diseases and monitoring of food contamination

National surveillance systems – foodborne disease in humans
The surveillance system that collects data on foodborne disease in humans SINAVE is managed by DGS General Directorate for Health. INSA (National Health Institute Doutor Ricardo Jorge, IP) is the Institute that supports the analytical testing and collaborates with the epidemiological investigations performed by the DGS. The food control System managed by DGAV and the Human surveillance system managed by DGS cooperates and assists each other and promote information discloser on health concerns on a web bulletin CESPRONDA that includes INFOSAN information.
National monitoring systems – foodborne hazards in the food chain
The monitoring system in place relies on food and feed control plans which perform analytical control and collect data on analytical results generated by food/feed control and food business operators. Whenever there are hazards in levels that do not comply with EU legislation the EU alert system Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF) is trigged and measures are taken including the communication with relevant organisations such as the Health Department. Information on foodborne hazards analytical results and foodborne outbreaks collected from the stakeholders involved (governmental organisations such as DGAV, ASAE (Economic and Food Safety Authority), DGS and INSA, and food business operators) is annually reported to the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).