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Región del CCLAC - Coordinador Regional Ecuador

En 1976, un Comité Coordinador para América Latina, establecido por el 10.º período de sesiones de la Comisión del Codex Alimentarius en 1974, celebró su primera reunión en Roma, a la que asistieron ocho países de la región. En su tercera reunión, se propuso cambiar el nombre del comité a su forma actual (Comité Coordinador para América Latina y el Caribe) de manera que reflejase mejor la composición de la región. En 1984, la 31.ª reunión del Comité Ejecutivo aceptó este cambio en nombre de la Comisión.

La región de América Latina y el Caribe es un importante actor en la producción y el comercio de alimentos a escala mundial. La región produce suficientes alimentos para abastecerse y exportar, y cuenta con agua y tierra incluso para aumentar su producción.

La región cuenta con una enorme riqueza natural, una industria agrícola floreciente y un sector agropecuario familiar que resulta esencial para su población. Se debe continuar promoviendo y fortaleciendo la inocuidad de los alimentos en todas las regiones para garantizar la salud de los consumidores y un comercio justo y equitativo.

Ecuador, el coordinador, tiene su sede en AGROCALIDAD, un organismo dependiente del Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería. Su objetivo es crear sinergias entre los países de la región, a fin de que se presten apoyo mutuo para superar los problemas regionales y estudiar soluciones a los retos comunes.

Además, el coordinador tiene el propósito de reforzar la colaboración entre los países y fortalecer la participación de los países en desarrollo en la Comisión y sus órganos auxiliares.


Noticias de la región

Together for food safety in Brazil on World Food Safety Day

Cookery Students of the "Solidarity Kitchens" programme of the non-profit organization, Gastromotiva, participated in an initiative promoted by the Pan American Center for Foot-and-Mouth Disease and Veterinary Public Health of the Pan American Health Organization (PANAFTOSA) and the World Health Organization, framed within the activities organized for World Food Safety Day, which is celebrated every 7 June. Participants received guidelines and recommendations on good practices in food handling and correct hand hygiene to avoid cross-contamination to prevent foodborne illnesses from PANAFTOSA [...]
14 June 2023

Students celebrate World Food Safety Day in Suriname

To promote food safety the Department of Agriculture Production of the Anton the Kom University of Suriname celebrated World Food Safety Day with an on-campus ‘Food Safety Day Event’. This day was dedicated to bringing awareness and sharing knowledge with other interested persons, including staff and students of the university, on Food safety aspects and also highlight some information on chemical contamination in food. There was also a fundraising activity carried out for students’ ongoing research projects.  The event was organized by [...]
14 June 2023

Safe food packaging a focus of World Food Safety Day in Ecuador

With the message that food standards play a key role in any production process, the Ecuadorian packaging company FESA held a World Food Safety Day event for its staff on 7 June. Staff were invited to a food safety talk at the facility and a raffle was held where a number of employees won products produced by FESA customers. Throughout, the message was: Food standards save lives   Photo © FESAECUADOR
13 June 2023

Staff at Brazilian food distributor all play their part in keeping food safe on World Food Safety Day

Brazilian food marketing and distribution company Via Rovigo organized a range of activities for staff on World Food Safety Day to raise awareness about the role they play in ensuring the food they are responsible for remains safe. Every one of 140 members of staff at the facility took part in educational question-and-answer games aimed at information sharing around food safety topics and attended a lecture on food safety by food engineer Camila Marques Rodrigues. In addition, there was a commemorative [...]
13 June 2023

Ministry of Commerce and Industries and Technological University of Panama to hold hybrid World Food Safety Day event

The Technological University of Panama (La Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá, UTP Panama) and the Ministry of Commerce and Industries, will hold a conference for World Food Safety Day entitled “Food standards save lives”. Speakers will talk about food safety and healthy eating, and other topics related to the celebration of World Food Safety Day, with the assistance of competent authorities, academic members, national industry, and students. The objective of this activity is to draw attention and inspire action to help prevent, [...]
13 June 2023

Nutrition students in Mexico organize their first ever World Food Safety Day event

Under the aegis of their course leader Luis Enrique Manzanero, students of the Degree in Nutrition at the Private University of the Peninsula (Universidad Privada de la Península - UPP) in Mérida Yucatán, carried out a series of activities in order to highlight World Food Safety Day in the university community. There were three organized activities in which the students of nutrition, high school students and students of other disciplines participated. Among the activities carried out was the implementation of a [...]
12 June 2023

Costa Rica Ministry of Economy, Industry and Commerce marks World Food Safety Day

The Costa Rican Ministry of Economy, Industry and Commerce has produced a World Food Safety Day video, in which it “recognizes the importance of food standards because they constitute the basis of trust for all consumers. Food standards are a way to ensure the safety and quality of food. These standards are those developed by the Codex Alimentarius”.  The video, presented by Ms Patricia Rojas Morales, Vice Minister of Economy, Industry and Commerce, was posted across the Ministry’s social media [...]
11 June 2023

Mexico students to present their theses for World Food Safety Day event

The Master of Science in Food Safety at the University of Guadalajara, Mexico, is organizing an event for World Food Safety Day this year, which includes three conferences on issues of safety systems in primary production, use of whole genome sequencing in food safety and probiotics and postbiotics. In addition, there will be a presentation of the theses of the postgraduate students through the contest "My thesis in three minutes" in order to make known in a brief and entertaining way, [...]
07 June 2023

Suriname students to educate others on food safety for World Food Safety Day

The Agriculture Production Department of the Anton de Kom University educates people (students and stakeholders) on the importance of having access to safe food, and issues that can influence food safety. The department aims to increase visitors’ awareness about food safety in an on-campus ‘Food Safety Day Event’. The event topic will be the department’s contribution to knowledge about food safety. Students, staff and lecturers/researchers of the Agricultural Department will celebrate the day by sharing their knowledge with other interested persons [...]
07 June 2023

A sweet World Food Safety Day planned in Honduras

In commemoration of World Food Safety Day 2023, the Chumbagua Sugar Company (Compañía Azucarera Chumbagua) will hold a conference under the slogan "Food standards save lives", with the participation of the members of the food safety team who direct the processes of the different stages of the sugar production value chain. They will explain the importance of applying good practices to ensure safe food. The event will be aimed at operational personnel who, in addition to participating in the conference, will [...]
07 June 2023

Video mensaje

Coordinador del CCLAC

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Agencia de Regulación y Control Fito y Zoosanitaria AGROCALIDAD
Avenida Eloy Alfaro y Amazonas

Correo electrónico: [email protected]