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Agriculture Ministers underline critical role of science-based standard-setting organizations

The 15th Berlin Agricultural Ministers’ Conference took place on 21 January 2023, with the theme “Agrifood systems transformation: a worldwide response to multiple crises". Tom Heilandt, Codex Secretary, spoke of the importance of using all international fora to improve cooperation regarding global food systems. “Applying Codex standards helps remove trade barriers,” he said, explaining how a global structure like Codex can also drive and enhance policy coherence. A final communiqué from the meeting, agreed by approximately 70 countries present, underlined the [...]
23 January 2023

GFFA Expert Panel / Is the Codex system fit for the future?

A Codex expert panel discussion “Is the Codex system fit for the future?” took place on Friday 20 January 2023 at the annual Global Forum for Food and Agriculture organized, in Berlin, Germany, by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL). Maria Helena Semedo, Deputy Director-General FAO, described Codex as “a public good to serve countries in defending their standards, in protecting consumers and ensuring also fair trade.” Speaking also of the need to respond to interconnected challenges in agriculture, [...]
21 January 2023

CCFH Chairperson Emilio Esteban is new USA Under Secretary of Agriculture for Food Safety

Jose Emilio Esteban, Chairperson of the Codex Committee on Food Hygiene (CCFH), has been confirmed as the new United States of America Under Secretary of Agriculture for Food Safety. In a statement following the swearing in of Dr Esteban, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said: “I am confident that Dr. Esteban’s leadership and experience is the right combination to advance our commitment to maintaining public health and reducing foodborne illness.” Emilio Esteban has chaired the Food Hygiene Committee since its fortieth session [...]
13 January 2023

CCFH53 / work completed on Escherichia coli and water in food production

The Codex Committee on Food Hygiene (CCFH) has agreed to send guidelines on the control of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) and on the safe use and reuse of water in food production to the next Codex Alimentarius Commission for final adoption. Both proposed Codex texts are extensive documents and although the general sections and several commodity specific annexes are now finalized, the committee will continue to negotiate on specific areas of intervention for other foods. Over 120 delegates participated in [...]
09 December 2022

Codex never stops / at the food hygiene committee physical is imitating virtual

Virtual meetings have given us the possibility to hop, skip and jump from one continent and one subject to another just with the right link and the copy and paste of a passcode. So it must have come as a shock to some delegates at the current session of the Codex Committee on Food Hygiene (CCFH) when they had to pack their bags in Rome on Friday as the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) ended and be 10 000 km away, bright [...]
02 December 2022

Bolivia / CNCA realizó Taller sobre procedimientos para establecer una posición país ante el CODEX y la interrelación con los acuerdos de Medidas Sanitarias y Fitosanitarias

El Comité Nacional del Codex Alimentarius de Bolivia – CNCA, con el apoyo de la Organización Panamericana de la Salud – OPS realizó una capacitación sobre los procedimientos para establecer la posición de país CODEX y la interrelación entre los acuerdos de medidas sanitarias y fitosanitarias y obstáculos técnicos al comercio, el cual estaba dirigido al personal de instituciones públicas y privadas, así como miembros de CNCA, este evento tuvo lugar en la ciudad de La Paz los días 21 [...]
30 November 2022

CCLAC22 / Codex, an important tool in the region also for meeting SDGs.

The 22nd session of the FAO/WHO Coordinating Committee for Latin America and the Caribbean is taking place online from 24 to 28 October, 2022, hosted in Quito, Ecuador. Bernardo Manzano, Minister of Agriculture and Livestock, Ecuador welcomed more than 120 delegates joining from the 33 countries in the region. The Minister underscored the mission of the Codex Alimentarius to guarantee safe, quality food for all people everywhere, preserving their health and contributing to equity in international food trade. He also [...]
24 October 2022

CCLAC22 / Quito meeting an opportunity to address pressing food safety topics

At the FAO/WHO Regional Coordinating Committee for Latin America and the Caribbean (CCLAC), which gets underway from Quito, Ecuador on Monday 24 October 2022, the Chairperson of the Codex Alimentarius Commission, Steve Wearne, United Kingdom, will describe how the Codex strategic plan continues to inform Codex responses to the new opportunities and challenges that are posed by an ever-changing operating environment.  With the first strategic goal addressing current, emerging and critical issues as identified by Codex Members, each of the six [...]
23 October 2022

Live event

Today WHO launches the updated Global Strategy for Food Safety 2022-2030, adopted by the 75th World Health Assembly, in a step towards a safer and healthier world and towards strengthening multisectoral collaboration and innovative public health approaches. This new Strategy addresses current and emerging challenges, incorporates new technologies and includes innovative approaches for strengthening food safety systems. It also reflects feedback received through a comprehensive consultation process with Member States and and other intergovernmental organizations and institutions and the members of [...]
17 October 2022

Webinar “Guide and orientation for new Codex Alimentarius participants“: recordings available

A webinar for the Latin American and the Caribbean region “Guide and orientation for new Codex Alimentarius participants“ took place on 14-15 September 2022 and was attended by almost 500 participants.  It was part of the AMR Codex Texts (ACT) project to raise awareness of the use of Codex texts. The next webinar is scheduled for December. Rommel Betancourt, General Coordinator for Food Safety at The Phyto and Zoosanitary Regulation and Control Agency of Ecuador and Regional Coordinator of the FAO/WHO [...]
03 October 2022