BSF Project - Second Cycle
Promotion of the recognition of Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS)
THE HISTORIC GAFSA OASIS IS A BIODIVERSITY laboratory that has been included by FAO in the Globally Important Agricultural Heritage System (GIAHS) that currently consists of six world pilot sites. This particularly oasis is also the focal point of this BSF project. Throughout the world, generations of farmers have created, shaped and maintained unique agricultural systems and landscapes that have sustainably supported human livelihoods for centuries, but are currently subject to deterioration and erosion. Several workshops have been organized for local and national administration offices, research institutions,
NGOs and farmers to ensure the sustainable management and conservation of the historic site of the GAFSA oasis, including, in particular, PGRFA. This is an important entry point for the development of legal, technical and practical measures for the promotion of the dynamic conservation of the Oasis at local and national levels. It is envisaged that the enabling environment created through this project will facilitate the adoption by national level authorities of these measures as a framework for action in the forthcoming months. Link to the pdf: Agrobiodiversité Oasis Gafsa
Carrot, Eggplant, Maize, Parsley, Pepper, Spinach, Tomatoes
Window 1 - Strategic Action Plans
Region: Near East
Target Countries: Tunisia
Implementing institution: Association for the Safeguard of Médina of Gafsa